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Nyx, by her nocturnes entices them awake

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Nyx, by her nocturnes entices them awake.
The corpses, they dance out of the bleeding lake.
Grinning in their slumber, they dream of fleeting deaths.
The she-devil in her fire hath their souls possessed.
Flesh and their bones, rot, decay and fall.
Putrid stench permeates through it all.
The water red and rusted, stained by their blood.
Tears soaking earth, their footprints mark the mud.
Entranced by her songs, the soldiers onwards marched.
Bones, like rattles ring, throats eternally parched.
Trickery and lies, her eyes led them to lust.
They dance to her tunes, until they turn to dust.
Death, by her nocturnes, entices them awake.
'Carpe noctem, carpe noctem, carpe noctem', she regales.

I had been having visions these past few days. Thoughts of suicide, death, and dead bodies. In all of those visions there was one thing common. The silhouette of a large woman. As I stepped into my room I got another vision. I was lost for a few moments.

I regained my consciousness when I was greeted with a, "Hey!" and a, "Finally!" simultaneously.

Omar and Paviraa were in my room waiting for me. Omar was being his usual perky self, treating my old bed like a trampoline, while Paviraa was looking ever so graceful pacing around in my room.

"What's up with this?" were the words that came out from her perfect lips as she pointed to the sketch of her that I had made

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"What's up with this?" were the words that came out from her perfect lips as she pointed to the sketch of her that I had made. Here I was hoping to look cool and try to impress her but I am sure that I looked like an obsessive stalker.

"You're in love!" exclaimed Omar trying to tease me in a high pitched voice.

"Shut up," I said, "That's just some random sketch that I was trying to make; it was just a coincidence it ended up looking like her."

Paviraa said, "It is not love, this looks more like an unhealthy obsession. Leave that aside, there are so many books here, and no girlfriend. You sir, are a nerd."

'We can discuss the contents of my room and personal life later. First tell me what you came here for," I asked.

Mom came in my room to serve some juice to my unexpected guests. Omar hopped off the bed the moment she came in.

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