a farewell and thank you

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I know. It's been forever.....nearly a year. I should've made this part a while ago, and I'm sorry I didn't--I'm sorry that I kept some of you waiting for more adventures with Han and Leia, more adorableness and sexual tension and hilarious dialogue and all of that. I guess I simply ran out of ideas a long time ago--and that goes for fanfiction in general. I wish it hadn't happened, but alas, I've moved on. I still adore Star Wars (and hanleia); I just can't write about it anymore. I can only hope you will understand.

Just a few minutes ago, I logged into my Wattpad for the very first time in months. I read through nearly every single notification, and it dawned on me how much people still appreciate this little book. There aren't very many of you, but there are enough to make my heart warm. Thank you all for being on this journey with me, whether you hopped on the train when the first chapter came out or yesterday. It means the world to have people who appreciate Han and Leia and the way I see their relationship. Writing this fanfic made me beyond happy. I can only hope that reading it gives the same feeling.

As a last little goodbye/thank you, here's an excerpt of the next part I had planned; the last time I had worked on it was in August of 2017. It's not much, but I think it's enough to wrap this book up......


Leia struggled to focus on her work; as much as she wanted to tell herself that it was because of the bitter coolness on Hoth (which seemed to be getting continuously worse), she knew the cause was much more complicated than that.

She certainly wasn't able to count the amount of arguments she often had with Han Solo on her fingers—or maybe even her fingers and toes put together—so it was somewhat of a routine, as regular as experimenting with new hairstyles everyday or going to bed every night. But this quarrel—the one she experienced so tortuously the day before—left her mind battered. And confused.

Han had taken his usual teasing asshole-ness to an odd extreme. An extreme that exposed himself--well, parts of himself, rather, that Leia had never quite seen.

Did he....love her?

The question had first entered her mind during the argument and simply hadn't left. It was some kind of nightmare, she assumed. And, yet, she couldn't stop daydreaming about it. It was completely odd and completely uncalled for. It seemed as though she was exposing her feelings, too--except to her own mind instead of to....him. She would never do that. There was no telling of what his response would be if she did.

Today had been a game of careful avoidance. Being a higher figure in the base, it was pretty easy for Leia to know Han's whereabouts without actually meeting him face to face, and--thus far, at least--she hadn't seen his face since it was beet red and abnormally nervous the night before. But the scoundrel always had tricks up his sleeve. And he probably really wanted to make amends for his strange behavior and go back to the endless bickering again to forget that his mistake had ever happened.

As if Leia would forget something like that.

Yet, there was a way he looked at her, with a noticeable twinkle in his eye, that gave away something Leia did not quite know. But it made her stomach flutter.

Thank you.


MIXED UP ⌲ HAN AND LEIAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz