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"Shit, how does she know?" Rose asked, "I don't think we ever mentioned what we were searching about to her."

"I don't know, I seriously have no idea what's happening to her," I sighed, "It's definitely something much bigger."

"Maybe it is the theory of yours."

"So, what are we supposed to do now?" I asked,

She looked at the trash bin where we had thrown all those paper balls, "Let's continue finding that god damn desk. That might give us our first clue." She said. I didn't have a better idea, so we followed that.

Okay, find that board and that desk. After we had read those instructions, we hesitated to begin the search, but it had to be done. Someone had to get rid of all this.

All the memories which probably I would say, hints, were flashing through my mind. Just then, a chain of thoughts started making sense in my head. I held Rosa's hand and she turned to look at me,

"We searched almost every corner of this house except for two places." I said,

"Those are?"

"Mom's room and the attic."

The Attic. "We would usually throw away the things we didn't need in the attic. Mom's room is too risky, so let's get the attic first."

It was the only place where the desk or possibly, the board could be. I served Cookie his dinner and watched him get comfortable in his little bed, that we had shifted in my room. After we were assured that he was now asleep, I and Rose, then headed to the attic, with two flashlights. Just in case if the lights go off, or something, you know the thing that happens in horror movies? Maybe I'm just being too paranoid.

Our attic was quite dusty, we didn't use it in anyway, so no one really bothered about cleaning it. We searched for a locked desk. I assumed it to be an old typical desk, and soon, I found the one. It was kept behind some old walls, purposely, so that it could be out of sight. Surprisingly, the keys were right behind the desk, sticking to the wall on a cobweb.

"Rose? I found it," I said in a careful voice. I pulled out the keys that were attached to the drawer of the desk, taking a deep breath, I opened the lock. Rose was sitting right behind me. The drawer opened with a click and inside was dozens of cobwebs. The dust made both of us cough, but, there were strange things in there. Things like old picture frames, a bracelet, some pens, etc. I have seen that bracelet somewhere, and I can't remember where, but I was sure of it because it looked so familiar.

Then came in sight, a rectangular box, with a purple gift covering. Packed so perfectly, that it looked like a birthday present. Even the ribbon on top of it was untouched as if this box was kept here by someone just a few moments ago. No dust, no cobwebs, nothing that sat on top of the box.

Then it hit me, when I was around twelve, on my birthday, my uncle bought me a gift. A rectangular box, he said was a really fun board game. My parents asked him about it. I can't remember what he said but my parents said that it wasn't my gift, that my uncle had forgotten my gift somewhere else. They hid it somewhere, I believe. It has to be this box.

But how come the cover looks so fresh till now? It looked like someone has been taking care of it as if they knew someday I was going to find it. I picked up that box, "I have chills right now," Rose said, touching her forearm,

"Come on, let's just throw this away,"

"Wait," She held my hand, gesturing me to stop,

"What?" I looked at her,

"Don't you wanna open it and see what's in there? What if it's something that could be a help to us?"

I looked at the box, and now I was curious to know. "Okay...but are you sure about this?"

"I'm not, that's why I want to know,"

"Well, alright," I took a deep breath and started unwrapping the covering. After the covers were fully off, I opened the lid, and in there we saw a board with some alphabets and numbers written on it, with a small little triangular thing with a glass circle see-through thing, there was also an instruction paper. "This is exactly how the picture looked on Google," Rose said,

"So you mean, this is the Ouija Board?"

She nodded,

"Let's go to my room, we'll see about this there," I suggested, she nodded and grabbed our flashlights and the keys we moved out of the attic. Before closing the attic, I felt a cold passage of air run past me, down in the hallway, my skin crawled because that horrid smell followed it. Did I just let something in? No, not possible, I must be delusional. It felt like I was assuring myself with lies. I shoved the desk keys into my pocket.

Soon we both were sitting on my bed with the box in between us, Cookie has shifted under my bed. Rose picked up the instruction paper and read it out loud, after she was done, she looked at me with a look I couldn't configure, was it confusion or curiosity?

"I have a gut feeling, that we shouldn't continue now," she said,

"Yeah, me too, let's just get rid of it,"

We were about to leave the room with the box when the window started rustling with howling wind and the lights flickered, I ran towards my room door just to find it locked, 

"Shit! It's locked!" I yelled,

"Wait, step aside let me try,"

Even after a lot of trials, the door won't open, then suddenly everything went silent.
A paper ball was thrown into my room from outside my window, Rose ran to look who was it, but found nothing. I picked the paper up, 'You have to play.' It read.

"Rose..." I handed her the paper,

"We'll find a way out, okay?" she said keeping her hand on my shoulder, "We will, I promise."

I nodded, she gave me a small smile, and went to open the room door, "Thank god, it opened,"

"You know what, maybe there's just one way out," I said, and it felt like it wasn't my voice, it was much deeper. I felt like my mind was like a puppet's because these words were not my decision at all,

"And that is?" she asked,

"We have to play,"

"Are you out of your mind?" she almost yelled,

"It might be the only way out. What if we throw this out and find it right on our bed the next morning?"


"We have to play."


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