Prologue:the other twin

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Andrea Frause's Pov

I sat in one of the finest clubs here in Manhattan ignoring the wild music and lights accompanied by sweaty bodies clad with revealing clothes dancing everywhere.Ladies fill themselves with alcohol while their cakey make up with powerful highlights shone as soon as the lights hit it.I sat on the sofa taking another shot burning my throat

I've been used to drinking now this alcohol tastes like water

Funny, the time I wanted to be drunk and its not working!

Growing tired of the small amount the shot glass offered me I put it down and picked the bottle and drank straight from it

I hoped alcohol will burn the pain in my chest but it failed me

You see I finally confessed to the man I have loved since highschool and it did not end well.It appears it's an unrequited love

Domenic Davis,A spaniard with the perfect features,he looked like he have been perfectly carved by a great artist!Unfortunately like a man who is aware of his beauty,he was a player,I thought I was the one who will change the Spaniard player's heart but I think I watched too much romantic movies!He has a twin brother, tabloids favorite,a big time cassanova!he plays women like toys ,and changes them like clothes!

To add up to my misery,my parents arranged me to marry an unknown man!unbelievable!

Apparently children are used for financial advantages.People nowadays use their children as leeches to stick to people.

I don't know his face nor his name...I tried running away multiple times but their eyes never fail to spot me.

Finally I can now feel my lucidity fading.My body numbing.

I layed my head on the table feeling the late effect of the alcohol I took rushin in.My head is spinning as body heated.

Feeling the sudden feeling of in need to pee I stood up and started to walk with my unsure legs and shaky sight

My foot gave in causing me to collapse at some guy

"Im so-" My words got lost seeing painfully familiar green eyes

"Domenic"His name escaped my lips

I touched his face making sure its not a dream,I felt happiness as my finger touched his face,I outlined his well defined jaw with my finger

He stood me up still his hands held me,I looked at him did the thing I always wanted to do

I crashed my lips into him pouring all my affection


I summoned my stubborn eyelids open feeling the sunlight's warmth on my bare back

Bare back?!

I jolted up seeing myself in a room I have never been in before

I wandered my eyes around in panic

What happened?

I forced my brain to remember and my hand quickly climbed on my lips remembering I kissed Domenic

Did we sleep together?

I quicky wrapped my body with the blanket and excitedly walked out of the room

I ran my eyes on his perfectly tattooed back while he made his coffee

Did he even have tattoos?

I felt my heart race

He turned around and a pair of cold,intimading green eyes looked at me

I felt hell has bitten me and chewing me slowly and painfully.

The moment those eyes looked at me I know who it was already

Wrong twin


This is a work of fiction.Names,characters,buisnesses,places,events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination.Any resemblance to actual person's living,dead or actual events is purely coincidential.

Plagiarism Is A Crime

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