Chapter 12: Troubles at the Beach

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I was standing outside with everyone, hugging and saying goodbye to the Shadows.. Especially Ryder. 

"Don't leave yet while we aren't by your side.." Ryder joked around, which earned him a whack from Lia and Jackson. Which caused me to smile at their gesture towards each other. 

"i won't" I said, smiling widely at them. "Promise?" Ryder said in a serious soft tone. I nodded and pinky promised him. 

He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Be healthy for me until we come back okay?" I nodded and tried my hardest to not cry. 

Lia, Jackson the others all rushed to me and hugged the living poo out of me. I smiled and waved a them as I watched their car disappear down the road. 

I sighed and turned around to face the others who were smiling sadly at me. " Can we do something fun today?" I asked, walking up to Jason and tugging his hands.

He smiled and grinned at me. "Well what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Well it's been a long time since we've been to the beach.. so beach? PLEASE?" I asked him doing the puppy face at the end.

He groaned and sighed nodding his head in defeat, to which i started clapping so happily. 

Lexi and Miranda came out of no where and pulled me inside the house, shouting that we had to get ready for the beach. 

I knew that struggling against them was futile, so I allowed them to drag me to my room where they started doing all of the femine stuff.


After hours.. just kidding, after about 20 minutes later, I was already prepped up and ready. I was just currently sitting on the bed, watching as my two best friends were jumping around, trying to get ready.

It was pretty funny to watch. Since they were kind of multi-tasking. 

I was simply sitting on the bed and going through this magazine of vogue. There wasn't really interesting stuff on there, so I threw the magazine back on the bed and simply stared outside. 

"you know.. I miss being a wolf.. miss hacing good hearing, excellent eyesight.. super healing skills.." I said, I heard them stop what they were doing as they looked at me. 

I didn't have to look at their faces to know that they were looking at me with symptahy in their eyes. 

"But can I ask you guys something?" I said. Looking back at them, they smiled and nodded their heads. 

"Are they also getting ready?" I said, my smile hinting at the corners of my mouth. 

I watched as they closed their eyes and started concentrating. "yes they are.. complain what to wear and all that shi-I mean poop." Lexi said, trying to stop blushing. 

I smiled and waved my hands in the air. "It's okay if you girls swear in front of me.. even though its not lady-like, I don't mind since your my best friends/sisters.. but if the boys swear.. they will get hurt by me." I said, throwing my fists in the air. Which caused them to laugh.


We all piled in the car, along with Jaek and Ian's pack members as well. It wasn't really stuffy considering the fact that I was allowed to sit in the front with Bart as he was picked to drive all of us for today's worth of fun. 

As we all just sat and looked at each other or outside the window, call me maybe started playing on the radio. To which all of the guys started groaning. 

Don't LeaveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora