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I mean do i really want this to work....
i wasn't exactly searching when he found me actually i was still playing puppets. He was different and nice so i decided to give him a try. At first i was bored and who wants to give up on games. So i kept on playing and stringing him along forgetting he could feel and pain was within but i didn't care it was too fun. I wanted the one that could make me laugh and something comfortable to fall back on. But the pain cut so deep in him, he tried to explain just how much i cut him so i was there explaining to him how the cut wasn't that deep. Filled with selfish reasons and pride i couldn't see what i doing to him cause to me i still thought it was fun. But that night he had enough and he took the knife and removed it from his flesh. He stripped me of all my pride and evil and let me see myself as it is. I crawled to the corner so deserted and hurt i couldn't let him see the person i really was. I cried in my blood and sweat and drained from the breath inside. Failing to breath, every breath feeling so raw to my lungs. But he stayed he crouched down and held me felt the life leave my body but he still stayed. He caressed and nurtured me with words of love and comfort. Picking me up and opening the window for a brighter day for me. He stayed.
Now everyday got better because he stayed. And the love grew stronger because he stayed. My heart grew fonder. He stayed. That changed me forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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