Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Then one day... everything changed

I was walking with my best friend at school just like every other day .

She mentioned to me that she attended a new church the day before and she invited me to come that same day.

And me being afraid that she will judge me for not going, I agreed.

It was a thursday and I was very confused , who has church on thursdays? That's what I thought.

So I went home, and I remember that day perfectly. I was sat on my bed playing on my phone when she called me asking if I was still going.

I remember groaning mentally , really really really really not wanting to go. Still I said yes.

They picked me up and we were off to church.
We stopped infront of business buildings and I looked around in search of finding a traditional church building but finding nothing.

We walked into the business buildings and up a staircase. We were immediately greeted by people at the door , who I had to admit was very friendly. I walked in to find a very homy small church but you could see it was done with excellence.

As we sat down near the stage I sat in silence. My friend then mentioned to me that the service would be about 3 hours.

3 hours ? 3 long hours? I thought. No ways I'm going to sit here for 3 hours I can't even stand to sit at the other churches for 1 hour.

So the service began and we began to sing. I haven't heard of praise and worship at that time so I sang the words peacefully that was shown on the screen and I was still shocked that there was guitar players and a drummer on the stage. I have never seen that I only know of a piano player at church who plays classical music.

But then everyone started to lift their hands up. And I was extremely shocked I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

After that the pastor began to preach and I was amazed at how he would go into The Word like that. He was absolutely amazing. Then he called someone up and he lifted his hands and touched them then they fell over. I remember telling my friend, "Did you see that , she fell is she alright, is she dead, did he kill her?" But she just laughed promising me to explain to me in the car.

So I learned he laid hands on her to impart to her.

Through the service I could swear I heard the pastor saying some words that I have never heard before, was it greak ? I didn't know but again she told me it was speaking in tounges. Which I have never heard of either.

So we started praising again and I felt something entiring into me and I felt drippels of a liquid fall onto me and so the night went on and on. And before I knew it we were there 4 hours. And I loved it, I also heard it was the feast of Tabernacles.

After the service we went to the pastor so that he could pray for me, because there was something really wrong with my health causing a lot of pain.

So we went and they started to pray and I thought they would whisper into my ear and say "Fall" then on the count of 3 I would push myself over. I was very scared.

But when I opened my eyes I was laying on the floor without any pain.

Let's just say from then I was in church every sunday night and after a while in the mornings as well.

I am now there on mondays where we pray for 2 hours straight in the Holy Spirit, on wednesdays we have selgroups where we a few of us come together, for 9 weeks every thursday I went to school of discipleship, saterdays I would serve by cleaning the church and I even volunteer to clean the toilets, sunday I am almost the entire day in church and I try to serve as much as I can. I got baptized and saved. I gave my life to Jesus. I have been born again into His family. The members have now become my family, and the church is just growing and growing.

Jesus saved my life, he took all of my fear away. I now have no fear inside of me, only the fear of God. I don't fear anyone or anything, I trust in God. He took me out of darkness and He became my light. He filled me with love, His perfect love. He spoils me with blessings. He loves me. He makes me happy. My life is forever turned because of Him. No more loneliness, no more sorrow, no more fear, no more insecurities, no more hatred, no trust issues, because I only needed one thing and that was the Blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing else can ever compare to the feeling of God's presence or His love.

My fear of darkness has vanished because I know God is here and nothing can touch me because I know who I am in Christ.

Deuteronomy 3:22 - You must not fear them, for the Lord your God Himself fights for you.

Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Psalm 56:4 - In God (I will praise His word),
In God I have put my trust;
I will not fear.
What can flesh do to me?

Jesus is coming back. He is risen. He will fight for you. He won't leave you. He will forgive you. He will love you. He will be your everything because He loves you. Your His, you belong to Him.

And I now know that I will give my life up for Jesus anytime because He died for me and I will die for Him.

Get saved and give your life to Jesus !❤

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