Chapter Eight

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HEY! WHAT ARE you up to? I text Maxine as I lay on the soft covers of my bed with the phone lifted above my face. Miss you! I add after realizing how little I've talked to her in the last few days. I'm so used to seeing her bright red hair and freckled covered face every morning. Grayson always has early morning classes, so Maxine and I usually sit together and drink coffee and talk about our nights. Mine typically being a little more livelier than hers as mine involves the random stranger I have to kick out in front of her.

Doing some cleaning, she responds quickly.

My nose scrunches. Eww boring lol, I type back. You do know it's winter break right? That means you can relax, I sarcastically text her.

Even during weekends and fall break she is always running around either at work, studying, or cleaning. She's a crazy hard worker, and honestly a bit of a clean freak but that only makes our apartment so much more cleaner then it was in the past with just Grayson and myself. But she never lets herself just chill and she needs to, no she deserves time for herself.

Trying to get rid of some old clothes is boring but much needed, she explains and I somewhat understand. I tend to hoard my clothes as everything comes back in style at some point, and I refuse to have to buy new clothes when the trend comes back around in five to ten years.

Anything good? You know how I love to borrow clothes hehe, I tease though she knows I am being completely truthful in my words. Grayson and I got into the habit of sharing our clothes when we lived together, and Maxine quickly learned that living with us meant sharing every item of clothing she owned as well. Thankfully she's the kindest spirit around and graciously accepted our crazy, and went along with the sharing without a hitch.

Believe me I know, she responds. Don't worry I'll save a few things I know you'll like!

You're a gem, I reply letting a smile stretch across my lips. I still wonder how shy and quiet Maxine let two stubborn and loud-mouthed people such as Grayson and myself be her best friends. But I am thankful for it and her every day. She is honestly the best.

I know! I chuckle at her response as she rarely gives back any sass, but I always love when she does. Maxine, given a few drinks and or shots, can be a complete spit ball of fire and it's amazing to see that side of her come out and shine. And it makes me wonder why she doesn't let that side of her out more often, what she's hiding from the world.

Another message from Maxine pops up on my screen. Hey I have to go, but miss you lots and talk later!

Yes most definitely! I text back immediately as I do really want to talk to my friend, a friend who's kindness over the past year has changed not only me but Grayson as well.

I set my phone down next to me on the bed, and relax into the plush bedding for a few minutes knowing that Kylie is going to be picking me up in a few minutes to go out for the day. But I let my body sag into the soft frame, and my eyes shut for a few minutes. And I let my thoughts wander to my roommates, to Chase, and finally to Clayton.

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