Chapter 24 Hospital (Mason's POV)

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Charlotte lays sleeping in the hospital bed. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken her. She wouldn't be like this if I hadn't. Her mom would still be the same. She must hate me so much right now. I know I do. I hate myself for doing this to her.

As soon as she is able to leave her, I'm taking her back to Minnesota and leaving her. Just like she wanted. She'll be able to go to her mom in the hospital, which I had arranged the best room for her, and see her friends, go back to school. She'll have a normal life, without me in it.

I sigh and grab her hand. I hate leaving her here alone, but I have to. Only for a couple of hours, so I can get her things ready. I kiss her forehead and stand.

"I'll be back soon darling." I whisper, before leaving the room. I walk down the stark white corridors of the hospital to the parking lot. I get into my car and just sit there for a moment, thinking. As much as I want to keep her with me forever, I know that isn't what she wants. She wants to be around people she trusts and loves.

I'm not one of those people. I turn the key in the ignition and drive out of the parking lot. It only takes me 20 minutes to reach the house. I get out and walk inside, locking the door behind me.

I have a lot to do.

I get back up, walking to the closet. I pull out all of Charlotte's clothes, laying them neatly on the bed. I do the same with dresser. Then, I get everything of hers from the bathroom. I put everything in bags and boxes. I reserve a bag for clothes and things she'll need at the hospital.

Finally, after an hour, everything is packed. I grab the bag for the hospital and head downstairs. I make myself a sandwich for the road and head out.

I walk to Charlotte's room and peek my head in. Good, she hasn't woken up yet. I want to be here when she does. She woke up earlier today, but she wore herself out.

I sit beside her, watching her sleep. I'm going to miss her so much. But, I have to let her go, it's for the best.

"I'm so sorry to put you through this darling. I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted to be with you, I didn't want you to be hurt in the process. I love you darling. With every fiber in my being and I know you hate me, but I hope me letting you go helps you hate me a little less." I whisper to her, before kissing her forehead.

I spend the next hour talking to her, about her doctors, about anything really. Until finally, when I'm in the middle of talking about one of her doctors, she opens her beautiful eyes.

"Morning darling. Well, evening actually." I say quietly, trying not to startle her.

She sits up slowly and looks around confused. "Do you need anything? Water? An extra pillow? Anything at all?"

She shakes her head and looks around the room. I wait silently beside her, waiting for her to look back at me. When she does, I smile at her.

"Are you feeling any better? You slept a long time. 14 hours actually."

Her eyes widen a little. "Fou-" She coughs. "Fourteen hours?" She exclaims, her voice raspy.

I hand her a cup of water and she drinks it slowly. When she's done she hands the cup back to me.

"When can I go home?" She asks.

"In a of couple days, they want to make sure you're completely healthy before they release you. I have something I need to tell you though."

She looks at me worriedly.

"No, it's not bad darling. It's a good thing." I take a deep breath. "I'm taking you back to Lake city."

"To visit my mom?"

"No, well yeah, but to stay. I know you don't want to be with me, so I'm letting you go back to your mom and your friends."

She looks at me shocked and I think she's happy until she tears up.

"I don't want to stay there. Please don't make me. They don't know the real me and I don't want my mom to not remember me. Please Mason, don't make me go." She doesn't want to go?

I look at her, confused. "But, I thought you hated me. I thought you'd be happy being back in Lake city, with your friends, your mom, Agent Riley. I thought you liked it there."

"My mom was all I had in this world, now that she doesn't remember me and probably never will, I have nothing. Please don't make me go back." She pleads.

I grab her hands. "It's okay darling, if you don't want to go back that's fine. But we should at least visit your mom."

She sighs quietly and nods. "Okay."

Hey guys! I'm sorry this is short, but I'll make it up to you. Also, Charlotte is not suffering the effects of Stockholm Syndrome, she has no one now that her mom forgot her, her friends didn't know her as Charlotte and even though Mason kidnapped her, he is one of the only people to really care about her. So, in her mind, Eli is now all she has, he is the only person left on the Earth that loves her. I hope you guys liked this chapter see you in the next one!

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