Chapter Three

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The sound of unfamiliar voices met me through the heavy fog of sleep. The muffled arguing immediately made me aware of two things; The first being that I wasn't home. Claire never argued, she won arguments before you even realized there was a disagreement. Plus, she never brought anyone home to argue with. The second was that this meant that today hadn't just been a bad dream.

I opened my eyes cautiously and sighed deeply, aggravated that I was once again in an entirely unfamiliar place.

The fluffy blankets of the bed I was stretched out on almost consumed me and it tempted me with the promise of glorious sleep. The fact that I was in a room that looked like I was seconds away from being boiled in a giant pot as a sacrifice to the gods prevented me from doing so. Every nightmare I ever had as a child came back to haunt me as my surroundings assaulted me.

Today is really not my day, I droned to myself silently as I peered around the room.

Plants lined the shelves alongside an array of questionable glass containers varying in sizes, the contents of which I didn't want to think too much about. Drying plants hung from the ceiling in groups, filling the room with so many different smells that it swarmed my head, leaving me feeling lightheaded. A few stray candles were left lit around the room, casting just enough light to make everything visible and leaving the dimly lit room with an ominous feeling. My eyes caught on something decorating the end of the shelf, causing me pause and squint, dearly hoping my eyes were playing tricks.

Nope, those were definitely bones.

And that is my cue, ladies and gentlemen. Time to leave.

I pushed off the bed and quietly crept toward the door only to realize the people bickering were outside of it.

"Oh, fucking hell," I muttered quietly.

Apparently not quite enough because the voices abruptly stopped. The door opened too fast for me to avoid it and I ended up grappling with the wall for support, just barely managing to keep myself somewhat upright. A large man charged through the door, unaffected by the plump older woman tugging on his arm in an attempt to keep him back.

"Kieran, no. Stop it right this second," the woman ordered primly.

The man completely ignored her, only coming to a stop when he turned to find me behind the door he just hulk-smashed me with.

I blew the hair out of eyes and stared at the man who seemed to tower over me. It was impressive seeing as I stood at 5'9 myself. His height had thrown me off and I let my eyes travel up the length of his legs, up towards the muscle that made me question whether or not I wanted to fight against my kidnapping.

I mentally shook myself, berating myself for even having the thought.

Who even gives birth to something that grows that big?

Unruly chestnut hair passed the tops of his shoulders, looking like it hasn't seen scissors in a decade. His face was partially hidden behind several weeks worth of facial hair, only making him that much more attractive with the rugged edge it.

Where do they make men like this and where can I get one?

Realizing I had been staring, my mouth jerked shut so fast it sent a small vibration through my teeth that made me wince. A small laugh climbed out of me, sounding more hysterical than I'd like. I noticed a little too late that I was sliding down the wall I was leaned against, losing my balance before I could right myself. I fumbled my way down to the floor, ending up semi cross-legged and leaning sideways on my hand.

Finally looking directly at Mr. Mountain Man, I gave him a wobbly smile and blurted, "'Sup."

He stared at me for several moments with blank eyes before turning to the woman next to him.

Her Hidden Half (War Songs of the Courts #1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat