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"Hey Lila this party is so cool!" Mia said with a cute smile on her face. Part of me wishes I could agree but no. I'm not the type who loves parties and I never will. Last time I went to one it all turned out miserable. Except this party is much worse than miserable because first of all there are a ton of guys trying to get me on a "date". Disgusting. Also I have Tim trying to talk to me. Although I would much rather prefer being in my office and working on a really good book. "Don't talk to me Tim" I said "I'm really not in the mood" I was very frustrated at that point. The only this I was happy about was that the guy I "dumped Tim for" wasn't here. Although he never accepted me.


I heard the door bang open "come on Jackie!" A guy yelled out. "You said you'll come as long as "the girl" isn't here!" He said with a smile. All I knew was that I really want to get out of here. I'm sure that Jackie is the guy I confessed to and I'm sure that I'm "the girl" he doesn't want to see. As the guy was basically dragging jackie into the party he passed by me. I hope they don't know who I am. Or at least forgot what I look like. I've changed a lot since then so I have a positive feeling. "Woah... who is that chic?" The guy asked. "Hey you! She's my girl!" Tim yelled out. I'm getting really upset and uncomfortable right now. For one I'm not Tim's girl and I'll never be and second the guy one year younger than me who I confessed to in high school is here. All I could do is ignore them. "Awww she already got a boyfriend not shocking she sure is pretty." I don't know what I was thinking but I stood up and yelled "IM NOT DATING HIM AN ILL NEVER!" Then jackie looked around the corner and saw me. "Wow. Uh... strong temper..." I had enough of this. THIS PARTY SUCKS so I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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