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your boyfriend is violent :(((

I mean, how would you expect him to react?

You're literally kicking his door and repeating babe over and over again.

I think 'go fuck yourself you lazy whore' was a fairly tame reaction.

he still should have been nicer

I mean,,,,


no, he made breakfast.


I was being a dick.

a little bit, sweetie.

you're so nice, it's weird.

it makes me wonder why you and Parker are getting married.

well, Parker and I aren't getting married.

and I'm not all that nice.


Prove it.


Fuck you



I guess the survey says I should go fuck myself.

that'd be for the best.

even that's nicer than I'm used to.

poor you.

Must be hell

Eh, it's not that bad.

When I have to clean up I'm ready to neck it, but otherwise it's alright.

You're such a drama queen.

I low-key ship you with my friend Andy.

Is he cute?


I'll take it.

Andy's a girl lmao.

Even better!

You're crazy.


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