The beginning part 2

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Chapter 2

The telephone rang and Diane went back to her desk. With a short look at the display, she recognised that the caller was her boss. She answered cautiously.
"Diane, in my office, immediately!!" He barked the short instruction into the phone and hung up. Diane shook her head and made her way to his office. At the door she stopped, brushed one of her reddish-brown streaks out of her face nervously, and knocked.
A harsh "in" from inside confirmed her evil forebodings again.
This wasn't going to be fun.

"Diane, maybe you know why I asked you here. If not, I'll explain it again..." his voice had taken on a lurking tone, "No doubt, you have often seen the report of Vincent Cusano in the news. Well frankly, his disappearance is a DISASTER!! He's our main man. And that's why, my dear Diane, you will find him and bring him back to me." His face was now just a few centimeters away from hers.
For the first time she noticed his unusually sharp teeth and strange sparkling eyes. How scary. But exactly these eyes, these vile, merciless eyes casted Diane into a spell, and she could hardly resist it.
With utmost self-control, she managed to look away and say "yes, boss. Should I go alone??"
A cruel smile curled on his lips as he whispered "Oh no Diane, I'll organize someone to go with you. I shouldn't send a young woman, as you are, alone to a research lab in the woods, right?? Your mission will start on monday morning, and now, get out of here!!!"
Diane did as he said and stumbled backwards out of the office, closed the door and leaned against the wall. Her heart was beating fast and irregularly, and her knees were shaking like she just ran a marathon.
Every time she saw him, the naked fear came upon her. She had never known why, but now she knew it.
There was something wrong with this guy.
Special thanks to my lovely sisters @alba.carr for reading and giving me feedback and @spaced.out.frehley for watching over it.

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