| Ch. 4 |

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"Get me the salt." His icy voice broke the silence. I stood for a moment, not daring to make a move. Was he talking to me? "I said," he shifted his gaze back to me, "get me the salt."

I quickly realized that what he said was indeed directed towards me so I moved forward, feeling incredibly stupid with everyone's gaze trained on me. I grabbed the salt off of the table, which was on the opposite end from Mr. Mouth.

I started making my way over, making mental note not to trip or make a fool of myself in front of all of these people. I arrived in front of him, placing the salt shaker in his empty palm.

"You're dismissed." He said, placing the salt shaker by his plate, not even bothering to use it, "For the day." His eyes found their way back to mine.

I felt my jaw go slack at this. Was he really just going to kick me out for the day?!

"Go home, and when you come back tomorrow you best be in your uniform." He paused, his scorching stare burning a gaping hole right through me.

At this I could feel my anger boil inside of my body. Who does this guy think he is?!

"I'm sorry," I began, my temper getting the better of me, "but is a uniform something to really kick me out for?" There was a whole slew of names I wanted to call this man, but I knew this was not the time nor the place for that.

"Excuse me?" He laid his fork against his plate, maintaining eye contact with me as he stood from his spot at the head of the table. Of course he sat at the head of the table, where everyone who thinks that they're all high and mighty sit.

I felt my heart sink, this man was easily a foot taller than me. His brooding gaze screamed murder, and I was sure he was going to do just that when he said, "If you do not leave now, do not expect to have a job tomorrow, Salvatore."

My eyes widened at his use of my last name. This man knew my last name. Of course he did, he was one of the members of this freakishly large house, I thought to myself.

I decided in that moment, with everyone's eyes trained on my every move, that biting my tongue and leaving now was my best choice. I quietly retreated from the mans towering frame. June sent me a sympathetic look which only made my cheeks heat up even further.

I entered into the empty kitchen, grabbing my bag with my clothes and the map Ginger had supplied me, as promised. Quickly, I made my way out of the building, passing a lady on my way out. She had long, brown, straight hair and a gaze that could kill. She watched me closely as I exited the absurdly large house. Something about her made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Miss Salvatore." An eager voice called from behind me, causing me to stop with my hand firmly holding the cold doorknob.

I turned to see the man I ran into earlier, Jackson, I think his name was. He had a small smile on his face.

"Let me walk you to your car." He motioned towards the door as he approached me. I took notice that the woman had disappeared from near the fountain.

"Uh, alright." I said, meekly. I turned on my heel, opening the door and stepping foot outside.

"Don't worry about him," Jackson began, closing the door behind him as he descended down the steps with me, "he's having a rough day. He isn't usually like this."

Something told me that this wasn't quite true.

"Oh, no worries." I waved him off with a small smile, thankful that we were nearing my car.

"But, when he does get in these moods from now on, it would probably be best to steer clear of him. He's kind of ruthless when he's like this." He warned, opening my door for me.

I sent him a thankful smile, carefully sliding into the drivers seat and placing my bag next to me. I quickly turned on the car as he shut my door. I rolled the window down to see him resting his hand on the top of the car, staring intently at me.

"Alright, I'll try and remember that." I said, still unsure of why this nameless man seemed to have such a presence around here. Why do I need to be so cautious around him? I don't get it.

"Have a nice day, Rose." He sent me a warm smile, lightly tapping my the roof of my car once before turning on his heel to retreat back to the house.

"Hey, Jackson?" I called out, leaning out of my window slightly.

Jackson turned, raising his perfectly sculpted eyebrow curiously, "Yes, Ms. Salvatore?"

"Who is he anyway?" I asked, feeling slightly silly when his eyes widened by a fraction. He looked slightly amused at my question.

"You don't know?" Both his eyebrows raised now, completely astonished as I shook my head, "Lucian Rossi, he's your boss, Salvatore."

I felt my heart drop to the pits of hell. This man could've fired me in a heart beat, but he didn't. I mean, he really had no reason too but just the thought that I had taken him for a random man when he was my employer was slightly unnerving.

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