Chapter 6

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Eren sat in a carriage, Rivan on his lap and clutched close against him as the girl across from them stared at them in silence. It was quiet, the only sounds were of the horse's hooves against the rocky path. Then Mikasa's gaze shifted to Rivan.

Quietly, she murmured. "He looks a lot like him." Then she looked at Eren. "Does it not bother you?"

With an apathetic exoression, Eren blinked at her. "Why would it?" His voice held no emotion as he gazed right back at her.

Mikasa looked down, slipping a strand of her black hair behind her ear. She clutched her red scarf, burrying her face in it, eyes distant and cold. Her voice was muffled as she said, "My brother can be dense and. . . aberrant."

Eren scoffed and looked out the small window. The sky was a dark grey and droplets of water slid down the outside of the window. Ah, it's raining. He blinked.

"What's his name?"

Mikasa's voice caused him to turn his attention back to her. He looked down at Rivan who had his face burried in Eren's neck, small, pale hands clutching at Eren's bloody blouse.

He sighed and stroked his child's hair. "Rivan." He met Mikasa's gaze. "His name is Rivan."

And for the first time since Eren has met her, Mikasa smiled. It was soft and kind, her eyes no longer cold or hard, but fond and sweet. It looked good on her. Her smile made her seem almost angelic. Truly a beauty. It stirred a fluttery feeling inside of him.  Something he hasn't felt in a while.

But it reminded him so much of---

Levi's smile.

Eren stiffened and froze in his seat, gaining a worried look from the raven across from him. Her brows furrowed as she leaned foward as if to reach for him.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly, caring eyes waiting for a reply.

Eren only shook his head, forcing the old image out of his mind before sending a reassuring smile at her. "Yeah. . . I'm fine." He said quietly and glanced back out the window, shifting Rivan on his lap so that the sleeping child was in a comfortable position.

He couldn't help but think back to Hanji. How she had warned him before Levi arrived and how she risked her life to help him flee. But if she was a friend of Levi's why would she betray him like that? And for someone she didn't even know?

Eren exhaled and without removing his gaze from the outside scenery, asked. "Can you tell me why we're heading to Sina?"

He heard a shuffle of clothes before Mikasa spoke. "All will be explained once we arrive home."


"---the Queen would want to speak with you first before we do any explaining of course."

Eren whipped hus head around to look back at her. Her face was serious. He frowned. "You mean you've had this planned?"

"Yes." Mikasa nodded. "We meant to pick you both up earlier, before he would have arrived but....we had some trouble along the way."

Then it fell silent.

It felt like hours before they finally stopped; having arrived at their destination. Eren glanced out the window, at the large cobblestoned castle. It looked pretty old and on the verge of collapsing but Eren doubted that would be happening anytime soon. After all, how long had this castle been around for? Like 500 years?

Their carriage door was opened and a buff guard with blonde hair helped Mikasa out. She mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before motioning for Eren to get out as well. He accepted the alpha's hand as he exited the carriage but once he was out, another guard came up to him as if to remove Rivan, eliciting a threatening hiss from the omega who gripped his child closer.

Mikasa looked over her shoulder and called out. "Bertholdt, you can leave him."

The nervous guard nodded shakily, stepping back away from the snarling brunette who glared hateful, deadly daggers at him as if he could make the tall alpha drop dead in front of him. Eren passed by him, following Mikasa up the long stairs leading to the entrance of the castle.

Along the way, Rivan awoke with a small yawn. He glanced up at his mother and mumbled a quiet 'maman' catching the omega's attention.

Eren glanced down and smiled softly. "Hey sleepy head. Guess where we're at." He grinned when Rivan gazed around, the little alpha's eyes brightening in awe.

"We're at the castle!" He chirped excitedly, bouncing in Eren's arms, and struggling to be put down. Eren complied, setting the boy down and holding onto his hand so that he wouldn't run off.

At the entrance stood several guards guarding the door. They bowed upon noticing Eren, and stood uo straight afterwards, a fist thrown over their heart. "Your highness!" They said in unison.

Eren froze, face evident of perplexed. "E-eh..? No, I'm not--"

Mikasa stopped in her tracks. "Like I said, all will be explained soon." She said and ordered Eren to follow her.
Eren nodded and continued to follow, still confused as to why the guards would bow for him. Afterall, Eren is just a nobody.

On their way, servants, maids, and guards paused in their steps to either bow or stare at him in awe. It made him a but uncomfortable but he ignored it. Every once in a while Rivan would point out something excitedly causing Eren to smile.

They stopped at two double wine red doors with carved details and a golden knob. Mikasa glanced back at him from the corner of her eyes before saying.

"This is where you'll meet the queen. "

And then she pushed the doors open.

As they stepped inside, Rivan close to his side, Eren was able to see a pale and thin figure lying in the large four-posted bed. Upon getting closer, Eren froze.

The eyes, the hair, the face---

She looked just like--

"Levi?" The name escaped Eren's mouth before he could stop it. 

But the woman merely smile.

"Ah, Well that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. . ." she coughed violently, her pale face contorting into one of pain. Mikasa was at her side in a second, pouring the old woman a glass of water and handing it to her.

Once the woman was ushered back down, she raised her hand, signaling for Eren to come closer. And he did.

She was so pale and sickly up close. Her eyes had dark circles, raven hair splayed out on the pillows and judging by the wrinkles on her face, she must be in her early fifties. With a tired smile, she weakly reached out to stroke Eren's cheek.

"My name is Kuchel Ackerman. . ." she patted the spot on the bed next to her.
"Please, have a seat, would you?"

She was Levi's mother.

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