The Amusement Park

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Massive headache. Amnesia. What's more worse than one can get besides these after a severe drinking session?

I sighed, banging my head gently on my locker. The metal was a bit dented as I did it for the last ten minutes. It didn't matter if my head would ache worse. I just want to forget all that happened last night, thinking it was all a dream. I knew it was my first time being drunk and I could never trust myself whenever I ever did get drunk because I'm an inexperienced and obedient girl.

How could you forget what you don't even remember?

What did I really do last night? Oh my God. Did I have a one night stand with someone? That does happen usually in movies when you get drunk for the first time. Oh My God!

I banged my head harder on the nearly dented metal. I stopped, feeling the pain punching me on my brain.

What did I just do last night?

As if on cue, my phone rings. I fumbled for my apron pocket and fished it out. I opened it, knowing who the caller was in my head.

"Chrome, I'm sorry for everything that happened last night. I was so drunk! I knew the plan was to hook you up with another girl and I...I...messed my plan up." I say, regretting every moment of being drunk.

I am never going to drink again.


There was silence at the other end of the call. I asked, "Hello? Chrome?"

"Well," He says, something silly in his voice was making me nervous, "You did get me a girl last night," he continues, "And she was kind of amazing."

I did? I did!

"Soooo," I smiled, thinking it was not an utter failure at all last night, "Who's this girl you've got, huh, Ashfield?"

I could feel he was smiling and I could feel the excitement rise in my throat. I'm just so happy to get him and his problems out of my head. And I'll only concentrate on one thing. Search for Daphne. That's all. I'll no longer take Ashfield's problems like moving on and such. I'll just keep my bargain. Simple.

He could get busy fixing dates with this girl he mentions and we'll never make so much contact in the future. Despite the crush I had for him, I was quite happy. Now, I wouldn't get worried falling for him!


"You got me you."


He breaks off my successful thoughts and I lean on the locker I dented. "She has a guy's name? Hugh? H-U-G-H? Or Yoh? Y-O-H? Or is it Eu? E-U? Short for Eunice, or rather Eureka?"

He laughs and I get deafened by it. "Seriously Chrome, who is she?"

"I'm serious. You got me you." He laughs again.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if she has a man's name. Is she pretty?"

"She's really pretty."

I sighed, smiling to myself. "Well, lucky guy, when are going to date her?"

"This afternoon. But I'm not going without you."

What more could this guy need? A chaperone? Someone to drive them? A servant who he can request to buy things for him?

Is this Ashfield's shy-type side going out in the open?


"Great! Be there two o'clock in the afternoon. Amusement park entrance."

Wow, what a nice place to date. The Amusement park...I hope my future first boyfriend would take me there for a date. So many rides to take and food to eat. So much fun with him.

I closed my eyes as I imagined myself with some mysterious stranger who was walking and laughing with me.

Chrome's voice tears that dream apart. "Walking and laughing? Are you fantasizing about some guy?"

"Shut up. Not talking to you anymore, Annoying field of ash." I said, hearing his laughter before I end the call.

Whether he heard me or not about my imaginations, I don't care. He's not my future boyfriend anyway.

He's Hugh's, Eunice, Yoh's, or rather Eurika's boyfriend.


Two thirty-three. Not yet here. Where's this girlfriend of his? And where is Chrome? Has he gone without me inside?

Argh, jerk. Just why does he need me anyway? He can surely have fun with his girlfriend. A bike doesn't need a third wheel to run fine.

I pushed a lock of my hair away from my face as I slouched under a tree.

Then I hear his happy voice, a very deep amusement in them.

"Kaye! Over here!" I looked up and saw him, calling me over, at the entrance booth. A guard was taping a bracelet on him. I rushed over, my bag falling off my shoulder and I had to string it back again.

"Finally. I almost thought you entered without me. Where's your girl anyway?"

"She's here already."

"Where?" I looked behind him but it was only a little kid with his mother who was happily chatting. No couldn't be that mother. She's too old for him.

"Are you kidding me now, Ashfield? Cause I'm leaving."

"No! Don't leave. You are my girlfriend, Kaye."


Me? How?

"You don't remember?" He askes as the guard puts a bracelet on me too and Ashfield grabs my hand that was dangling on my sides.

"I don't even know, much more remember something that never happened." I say in a daze because I was digging deeper in my head. For sure there was something my brain could scavenge for me to get a hint. But no there was none.

"It did happen all right. Something more interesting also did happened last night," He says, patting my head, "But for now, let's play!"

What really did happen?

How did I freaking become his girlfriend?

And what more interesting happened to us last night? Did I vomit on him? Danced drunk almost naked? Or had-had-had- oh God.

"Tell me what happened last night. Why was ot so interesting?" I hooked my arm on his arm, pulling him back to me. But he looks at me and smiles, putting a finger on my lips.

And I'm electrified. I jumped back, taking on defense position.

He laughs, "Let's have fun first."

I bugged him for a couple times after that but he resisted.

Then, I guess I'll just have fun.

It couldn't be bad right? To be his girlfriend?

My feelings and my heart were getting the better of me. So was my head. In my body, I had no ally. My brain and my heart votes for him. So I had not that much power to object Chrome Ashfield.

And he even called me pretty. Really pretty.


I smugly smiled to myself.

The Prince's Temporary WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora