Chapter Twenty-Three: Brothers

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I stood up and dusted my dress. I looked at Seven who is looking at me in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

I shrugged, "Kidnapped by your older brother." I said before distancing myself away from him.

I still remember what happened at the tea party. Although what I did can be considered merciless, not even thinking of Shade, Grey and Seven's feeling first, but I need to do it in order not to die under the hands of these characters.

Yes, my powers and abilities are enough to be able to escape the academy when problem rises, but who knows, some things might happen. I'm not a fortune teller that could predict what would happen in the future if the heroine still continues with the reverse harem route. If i'm not careful, I might end up among those people who are killed.

That's why, in order for me to live peacefully, i've decided to avoid them and hand over the trouble to the heroine. Better her than me, right? Besides, the only reason I attended this school is because of the Dimensional Games, after that it's bye-bye to KU and back to my peaceful life.

"Older brother? You mean Zero?" He asked.

I nodded and was about to walk away when Seven held my arm.

"What?" I asked irritated.

He frowned, "It's you."

"What me? Of course I am myself."

"No." He shook his head, "It's about what happened at the tea party. You're the one who saved us."

I felt my back turned cold.

"No... no I didn't!" I stuttered.

Seven smirked, "It's you. After Ace and the others brought Meadow or what's her name to the clinic, the nurse inspected her and told them the reason why she fainted. Do you know why she fainted?"

"It's... it's because she used too much of her mana!"

"To begin with, she doesn't have any mana or magic essence. Her powers are sealed."

I pried his hands off my arm before backing away.

"Wha... what?"

Sealed? Meadow's powers are sealed? Hm, so that's explain why I didn't feel any mana coming from her, it's because it's blocked!

Only people specialized in that topic could be able to identify what's a seal is. People whose powers are sealed are so rare that I didn't even think it as an option when I inspected Meadow's powers. Seals are rare because it takes much time, concentration and power to seal a person's power. If there are any mistakes, it could also lead to the person's death. That's why seals are forbidden to use.

"The nurse kindly enough, cancelled the seal. But what got me doubting is that, how could that girl saved us if her powers is sealed from the start? Then that got me to conclude that the only person that could save us, is you."

Laughing awkwardly, I tried reasoning myself out of the situation,

"You know, at that time, I was stuck in a barrier that stops mages from being able to get out of it."

He smirked, "But there's a loophole right?"

I gulped.

"The only ones that could get out of the barrier are those who are born with none magical properties or those who currently doesn't have any magical essence. If i'm correct, I still remember that you still haven't recovered your mana at that time."

"If that's the case then you could get out of the barrier any time. And maybe, you asked the headmaster a pill that could recover one's magic essence in an instant. Considering the headmaster always carries pills with him, you asked one and continued with your plan."

He then let out a victory smile, "Which is to get out of the barrier, use the pill the headmaster gave you, use that girl as a puppet to defeat the assassins and then gave the credit to that green-haired girl."

"You're lying-

"Nope. I'm sure of it. Considering your attitude when you saved Epiphyllum even when you're up against a fire demon and your reputation on how you've never ever failed a task before, I deduced that you're the one who saved us."

"And also, I took the liberty to check the nearby video camera. It captured all the things that I need to know." Seven said before showing me a CD.

I facepalmed. Busted.

"But, the only thing i'm wondering is that, why did you do that? Why give the credit to that girl? And why must you need to act all pitiful to be able to withdrew from the task?" He asked, "Do you hate us?"

I stayed silent for a moment to think of an excuse.

I couldn't tell directly to Seven's face that I did that because I don't want to die!

"Because, the attention you know. I don't want the attention." I said sheepishly.

Seven laughed, "You could've said so in the first place. Come on, I already told what happened to the guys. They want to apologize." He said before pulling me again.


I tried stopping Seven because first, I want to get rid of the Black Bracelet first. I don't want my powers restricted like this!

But before we can even get out, both of us felt an ominous aura from behind.

I felt my whole body shivered from all the killing intent I feel. Especially being an assassin, we are sensitive to killing intent so right now, I feel like being killed times two!

I turned around and was met by Zero who is standing there and was giving an eerie and cold aura.

Zero smiled coldly,

"My dear little brother, where do you think you are taking my fiance, hm?"

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