2.18: Chaos

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2.18: Chaos


There were shouting, and then there were intangible words. All I could see was that Audra's mouth opening and then moving very fast, but she could very well be saying 'I'm so proud of you April' for all I know.

Because at that moment, my mind went defunct.

It was all pure instincts now, my movements, where my eyes go, the howling from my mouth. My whole body teamed up and shut down my brain because it had one mission: to protect the core in my chest, and apparently, that meant throwing everything towards the single existence in the world whom I couldn't bear to see.

That Guy.

I had taken care of the Penguin well. When it came, along with the crippling pain and annoying snot, I held my breath and then feed it with good quotes from Netflix. When it barged into my head while I was trying to concentrate on my work, I pat on its head and then wait for the Penguin to stop yapping and howling and making a mess. I didn't complain, I didn't protest, and I probably should.

Because right now That Guy was right in front of me, and none of what I throw towards him hit him.

"Stop ducking!" I found myself shouting.

He was looking at me. I could tell, even though I tried my best to not look at him, because that was the kind of gaze that he had. He always looked at me intensely, strongly, as if he was trying to occupy 100% of my mind.

Which had been all good and dandy in the past, but now it all just made every inch in my body burn.

There were more words, some from him this time.

But I didn't listen, couldn't listen. I walked up towards him and then picked up the plastic up that I had thrown before and then threw it again to him.

I was pretty sure that what I'd done would warrant my death in the most agonizing way, especially considering how proficient That Guy was at fighting, but my hands didn't care about the longevity of my life. My hands, to my surprise, wanted gore.

That Guy opened his mouth and more words came out, and then, after I hit him with my purse, he finally turned away and walked to the door.

Audra tried to stop him, but he was bigger and taller and he just walked away from her.

"What the hell are you doing, you freak?!" Audra screeched at me.

Oh, ears now functional. I could hear words again.

She turned towards me, all eyes and teeth and ready to pounce. I stared at her back, trying to send message via osmosis 'PLEASE NOT NOW I HAVE THINGS TO DO'.

Audra got the message.

She jerked away from me and then bent down to pick up the cup. Then she gave the cup to me.

I took the cup, and then ran away to the door. I saw Him already on the hallways.

"I didn't give it to you to throw it at him again!!" Audra reminded me. "I thought you'd need some water to calm down that crazy eyes!"

But it was too late, because I had already aimed at the back of his head. The cup hit a second later, and this time, He stopped walking. Really stopped.

Suddenly, fear took over me. That Guy didn't take out any gun or weapon but for some reason, his presence to grow and fill up the space of the apartment hall. The air temperature seemed to drop a few hundred degrees when he turned to me.

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now