Max's Fears/Henry's Choice

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Funny story, while I was writing this I accidentally deleted the entire chapter so I had to rewrite it.
Trigger Warnings: Character Death and slight gore and references to religion aspects such as Hell, and Heaven. I do not care what religion you are or if you even believe in one. I wanted to use this aspect for something in my book so I did. If you have a problem with how i used it or if you are offended in anyway PM me or comment below and I will try to change it to something non-religious. On with the FINAL CHAPTER!


"You're not a Thunderman anymore!" The scene changed...
I was laughing with a girl that had long brown hair and *Lǎoshī, my teacher. We were walking down the street of a village nearby. The girl and I were hand in hand. I gently kissed her lips and she smiled. Suddenly a quick popping sound echoed down the street and *Lǎoshī and the girl were on the floor dying. I knelt next to *Lǎoshī, he had two bullet wounds in his neck and head. "*Lǎoshī..." I sobbed, holding my teacher's body. He grabbed my check with his bloody hand. He whispered,

"Teach others what I have taught you... You have grown since we first met Max King. I am proud to call you my student..." He rattled one last breath of air before his hand went slack to his side. My girlfriend was next. I grabbed her face and kissed her, my own face was shining with tears. She said,

"I love you Max Thunderman... Keep being the man I fell in love with." I held her to my chest as her final breath left her chest. Her head rolled back and her hands went slack, lying across her chest.

I blinked and shot straight up in a bedroom, no. It was a hospital. I blinked so my eyes could adjust to the light. Henry, Veronica, and Penelope were sitting in the room waiting for me to wake up. Henry looked up when he heard me gasp for air and asked, "what happened?" I glanced at Veronica, she was my first student and friend after *Lǎoshī and my girlfriend's death. She also happened to know a lot about *Lǎoshī. I started to hyperventilate. If Phoebe finds out about where I was and what happened... She would blame herself, it wasn't her fault. "Max?" I was taking quick and short breaths. Veronica held down my chest to try and help with my breathing. Henry told Penelope to wait outside and Veronica said,

"Max! Remember, you're not there! Your here, with me! Henry's here too, remember you forgave Phoebe? Remember Mikey, and Eric and Alice. Come on Max, stay with me!" I started to breath with her, in... out... in... out... one... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten. I began to breath normally after a few minutes. Penelope entered the room and asked,

"Uncle Max?" I opened my eyes and she hugged me. "Henry said you were sad so I made you this." She held up a drawing of Henry, Veronica, Mrs. Manchester, Captain Man, Charlotte, and I in stick figures outside what I think was supposed to be the Blackguard League base. We were in our superhero costumes holding hands. For an eleven year old it was a pretty decent drawing. I smiled,

"thanks Pen." She was exited I liked it,

"thanks Uncle Maxie! I'm going to go and draw some more now." I nodded,

"why don't you make Veronica a butterfly?" She shook her head happily,

"okay!" Then she ran out the door. I looked at Veronica and Henry and said,

"aren't little kids just the greatest?" Henry rolled his eyes,

"you're stalling Max. I'm your brother! Come on and tell me what's going on!" I nodded,

"I guess you deserve to know at least a little bit." I closed my eyes and thought back to the night when Phoebe took my powers. "You know the reason I told you I created the Blackguard League, but you don't know the truth." Henry looked shocked,

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