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The wind blew against her face, lifting her red hat off of her head and carrying it into the sea of people as they crowded the dock.

Gretchen released a frustrated breath but didn't bother to go after the fleeing hat. She had just spent two weeks aboard a ship to London and while it was only a few weeks, it felt like centuries. Her journey was simply dreadful and she had to see to a job offer within an hour; a fleeing hat was the least of her problem.

People buzzed around her, pressing sweaty bodies against her and stepping on her foot once in a while. Gretchen didn't know how to react to any of it. It was bad enough she had to leave home, but to be shoved and pushed about by people who were simply uncivilized? That was another thing.

Finding a wagon to take her to Sue's dress shop proved an easy task. But as Gretchen sat in the wagon —fiery red hair slapping her face with some even making their way into her mouth and eyes— she couldn't help but miss her hat. Her eyes ran over the streets of London, it's beauty somewhat reminding her of her own home in San Francisco. Although the fashion in London seemed a lot different from America. The women also seemed to walk with their noses in the air and for the life of her, men wearing hats were everywhere!

When the wagon finally came to a halt, she disembarked and stared at the fancy dress shop before her. It was simply lovely with a wide glass window showcasing a mannequin dressed in a lace gown. Written on the window were the words 'Sue's dress shop'.

Taking a deep breath in anticipation of the new beginning that awaited her, Gretchen pushed the door wide open, the tiny bell on top, announcing her presence. A few women went about their business shopping, while two women stood in the center of the room; one stood on what appeared to be a small podium, and the other stood measuring her. The woman with the measuring tape glanced at Gretchen who stood glued to the door way, and offered her a smile. Reaching up, she pulled out what appeared to be pins from her mouth.

"Welcome." The lady called with an English accent. Gretchen recognized it because Grace, Mathew's little sister and Gretchen's best friend, had it.

"Thank you." Gretchen returned her smile. "I'm here to meet with Sue."

"Of course," She bobbed her head, causing strands of her blond hair to come loose of its bond at the top of her head. "That's me."

Gretchen's gaze ran over Sue for a brief second, surprised by her youth. A woman with a blooming business, yet, so young and beautiful. Gretchen guessed her age to be about eighteen, a year older than Gretchen herself. And while Gretchen admired Sue's business, she didn't want to be her age and still be unmarried, she thought as her gaze fell on Sue's empty ring finger.

"Is there a particular dress you'd like?" Sue asked.

"No, not exactly. I'm Gretchen." She stood still for a second, waiting for Sue’s blue eyes to light up with up with realization. It didn't. "You offered me a job about three months ago."

"I did? Well, are you here for a dress?"
Gretchen couldn't help but feel frustration settle in her belly. "I'm here for a job."

"What job? I already hired someone and I did send out letters informing everybody of my decision."

Stunned, Gretchen stood there for a while, contemplating Sue's words. No job? No new beginning? No new start? What was she going to do?! Where was she going to turn?!

Hope dwindled and what was left in its place was the overwhelming desire to cry. She had lost everything; Mathew, the man she loved was now with another woman! Her family's entire fortune had gone down the drain! She wasn't worth a single dime and had sold her entire jewelry collection to sail to London! And now, this!

“I am really sorry, Miss." Sue sounded genuinely apologetic but Gretchen couldn't help but hate her. It was all Sue's fault that Gretchen had embarked on a fool's journey bound to result in nothingness. There was also the part of Gretchen that blamed Mathew for everything. If he hadn't pleaded that she stayed with him an extra week, she wouldn't be standing here right now, alone and jobless. But the truth was, everything turned out the way they did because of her and of the decisions she made.

With her tears now slowly making their way down her cheeks, she simply nodded her head. It was all she could do. She would never admit to being stuck here in London with no means of returning to her parents in San Francisco, and while she had the option of writing to Mathew and asking for a few dollars, she didn't want to. Gretchen knew she had made many mistakes in the past, but coming to London was an attempt at righting a few wrongs; an attempt that had now failed.

"I am really sorry." Sue apologized once more, perhaps seeing the hopelessness in Gretchen's eyes. "Is there anything I can do? Perhaps a new job?"

Hearing the prospect of a new job, Gretchen's head snapped up to find Sue nodding.

"Lord Ethan's hiring. I hear he's looking to hire a new nanny to see to his child's care."

A frown settled on Gretchen's face as she thought of being a nanny. It was simply dreadful but she didn't have a choice. So, she nodded.

"Great. I shall have Harry drop you off at Lord Ethan's estate." Sue smiled.
And Gretchen felt the frustration in her belly spread throughout her entire body.

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