
2.6K 145 64

Or: Presenting Awesomeness

There's a few people I feel need to be thanked properly, for a variety of reasons, and the nice thing about this format is I can do it right here.

Firstly, to the first brace few who have soldiered their way through this monolithic block of text I'm trying to pass off as a book. A combination of critical eyes and supportive shout-outs have been a superb and frankly unexpected treat since I decided to plop the Dragon Chase on Wattpad.

Obviously, if you've made it this far, you probably finished. If you're not here, it might only be because I'm lazy and haven't updated recently enough to include you. As least, go with that assumption for a little while before you express your displeasure.

First, I'd like to thank @VenomousKitsune, @KellyJBurke, and @CaptainSarcastic101 for making their way through all 100k words of this tale, and taking the time to talk about what they liked, and didn't like. Feedback is the implicit currency by which an author is paid on Wattpad, and they've provided it in spades.

Second, @olga_godim for the cover. It actually looks like it belongs on a shelf. I feel a little conceited every time I look at it, now.

And third, to you. Whoever you are and however you made it here. Wattpad, despite it's size, is a surprisingly civil and encouraging place, and that is at least in a small way because of you and how you act while you're here.

Cheers, and I hope you enjoy whatever you're reading.


The Dragon Chase: A Tale of the Everburning CityWhere stories live. Discover now