chapter 22

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We grabbed everything we could find and eli came jumping through the window

'Whats going on' he said

'Can't you see what the fuck is going on' i said and he nodded and ribbed everything he could also find

'This time take Riley down if he's dead his men are pretty much dead too' i said and everyone nodded and blake hugged me

'Stay safe' he said

'You too' i said and kissed his cheek and ran out the  door and no one was on the 4th floor

'Downstairs' Zander said and we all ran downstairs and no one was there either

'Downstairs again' Chris said and we all ran downstairs and no one was  here

'Ok to the 1st floor' Liam said and we all ran downstairs to the 1st floor and saw people figting or shooting

'Remember kill riley' i said and we all joined in killing everyone of his men

I had 2 pistols shooting everyone that came in my way trying to find riley and four myself outside and saw all his men dead and a few of my men injured but the rest were ok and standing there

'YOU GUYS OK' i shouted and they
looked at me

'Yeah' they all said in unison

'Ok just try to find riley and fucking kill him' i said and they nodded

I saw there was no one around when I kept on going around teh house but no one was there

Riley is fucking inside

I ran back inside and saw there were only a couple of his men fighting and around now 170 of my men including blake and the others

I got on the couch and started looking for Riley when I saw him fighting some guy and making his way towards blake

I ran through the huge crowd shooting all his men and then evening stopped and we realised

All his men are dead

'HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE I BROUGHT A 100 MEN WITH ME' he shouted and i laughed

'And we have security and I'm gonna kick your ass' i said and eli grabbed him and pinned him down and i put a gun to his head but for some reason he was smiling

Just then all our men were dead and it was just


It was only us left

We all turned around and saw Rileys men charging towards us and we all brought out pistols and shot as many as we could but we all soon ran out of bullets and there were like another 100 men of his men and it was only 7 of us including me

'FUCK' I shouted and we all took our fighting stance and i flipped a guy over then twisted his neck so he would die and did that to pretty much to everyone who came in my way until i felt someone hit something on my head and i fell down and saw Zander and the rest of the guys passed out and I turned to blake

'Scarlet go run' he said and i nodded no

'Blake im so so sorry i love you' i said

'I love you so much never forgey that' he said and since he was bleeding he then slowly passed out and i saw a gun on the floor and


I  turned around and met faces with Riley but kept crawling back as he came forward and went for the gun

'Tsk tsk scarlet to weak' he said

'YOUR WEAK YOU HIT ME IN THE HEAD' i shouted and he got angry and then when he turned around i jumped for the gun but  i was too late

I felt a hard impact on my stomach and when i fell i felt the hard cold floor hit my head and i saw blood and saw nothing but blood and darkness
and i heard absolutely nothing after that

Was i dead....

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