Since the beginning...

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#Jungkook point of view#

I've loved you for quite a while Kim Seokjin..... If only you knew.

I would tell you but I already know it would probably cause problems with many people....

I will stay by you as long as I can and maybe you'll grow to have feelings for me as well. But for now, I'll wait.

I remember the first time I finally believed that there was light at the end of my dark tunnel only my mother at the time was there to guide me but..... You were the light that lead me out of my dark place for good.(A/N: If that makes sense)

#Five years ago#

It was my fifteenth birthday and all I wanted was to get a job to help the family. My mother promised me that I was gonna work in the palace.

But only as a servant for the prince that everyone in town talks about. I'd never seen him I hope he's as humble as they say he is..... My job is to basically be at his side for anything from 8 in the morning to 8 at night.

I'm basically going to be a slave with the special treatment of getting paid and some actual rest. Great.... At least I get paid.

I start tomorrow, I hope I don't mess up. My mother has been working really hard for this family, my father could never get a job, and he became induced to drinking heavily.

For my safety my mom told me not to worry, but even so I still wanted to help. And this job is my way of thanking my mother for her hard work.

#Next day#

"Mother! Stop babying me I'm not a child." I said as she fixed my outfit up and started to clean my face. She stopped and smiled.

"A mother can baby her child anyway she wants to, even when you turn thirty I'll still baby you now let's go before we're late." She said as we went out the house and walked to the palace.

As we reached the entrance we we're stopped by a boy that looked around my age but was a bit short." Miss!" he said as he walked closer to us. "Jimin shouldn't you be tending to Prince Kim?" She asked. "Yeah but Namjoon said to meet me out here, we're going on a small trip" his smile brightening at the mention of the other princes name. He seemed to be the servant of the other prince, I've actually seen him before though.

The Kim family was definitely a weird one. There we're two princes, one was born by the brother of the king and the other, was the kings offspring. The two princes were related but not as brothers, but it really doesn't matter. The oldest will be the king anyways and the other will assist. I'll be serving the eldest.

"I'll be going now, stay safe until the prince comes back, bye sweety" my mother said as we walked threw the gates and went straight to the palace.

We went to a door that seemed to be where the workers go. We went in and I was surprised to see so many people. There seemed to be cooks, gardeners, maids, and butlers. But my mom and I went past all that and we were now in a hallway, and then greeted by a older man with a very nice suit.

" You must be this amazing womens son aren't you" he asked looking down at me."Yes sir." I said quietly. "Oh quit it" she said happily, playfully hitting his arm.
" Your the most hard working women here, and I hope he does well serving Prince Seokjin." He said patting my head like a child..... I'm not a child so don't treat me like one you old fart! Is what I wanted say but the words stayed in. We left that man and walked further down.

My mom took me to another room and told me to change into the clothes in the closet. It was a nice suit, black with nice shoes. I've never really worn fancy attire like this so it was nice to put on.

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