Chapter Five

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The world came back to me slowly, the weakness still lingered in my body and I rubbed weakly at my eyes. I blinked slowly, letting my surroundings sink in, the world around me was so much more different than I remembered. I was curled up in someone's lap and I hesitantly glanced upwards to see a man with a scar across his face. Memories slowly came into my head and I lowered my gaze before risking a glance at him once more. He seemed intent on something over my head and I could faintly hear the sounds of a television.

I frowned, trying to remember his name. The voice in my head screamed at me not to use it and I swallowed thickly. "Sir?"

"Its Uncle Jace." His voice was rumbling but he didn't look down at me as he said it and I flinched slightly, waiting for the punishment to come but it didn't. I wasn't used to not receiving punishments for my wrong actions. I didn't like that I wasn't in a position I was familiar with.

I swallowed thickly, clasping my hands in my lap tightly. "Sir?" I glanced up at him quickly but he made no indication he had even heard me. Panic filled me as I slowly shook. "Uncle Jace?" I tensed, fearing a punishment for the impropriety of my use of his name but he merely glanced down at me and a small smile crossed his face before his arm shifted around me. It felt strange having someone tuck me close to them as I slept. I wasn't really used to physical contact.

"Yes, Maricella?" He looked at me with such tenderness that I wanted to cry. I wasn't sure why he cared about me, why he looked at me like that. I was unaware of who he was, of how he knew me.

"Where am-" I couldn't get the question out as an ever familiar pain flooded my chest. I felt my breathing increase as the pain started to beat at me. It dug in deep, tightening around my chest until i felt like I couldn't breathe. "I hurt." I managed to get the words out before I clutched at my chest and breathed heavily. Deep panting gasps filled the air and slowly a large hand rubbed at my back. It was soothing but tears flooded my eyes and I shook as the pain ran rampant through my chest and stomach. I fought the urge to throw-up. There would be nothing there even if I did.

The arms around me brought me closer, tucking me closer to the large male. "I cannot help you right now, Maricella, but know that we will fix this." He rubbed my back gently, his voice soothing. It didn't help the pain and made me shake. "Amber is getting the medication ready for you. Just breathe." I could barely hear his voice through the static in my brain. I could barely force myself to breathe let alone think about what he was saying. I was rocked gently from side to side as another wave of pain crashed over me. I gave a sharp cry that faded to a whimper as it continued to beat at my body.

"Is she okay?" The new voice sounded frantic and there was a rumble from the chest I was pressed to. I couldn't focus on anything as the pain seared at new places in my body. I felt my body curl up tighter, my whimpering seemed too loud to my ears as everything was tightening with the pain. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I felt like I was going to die. "Can't we do anything? We can't just leave her like this!" I couldn't hear a response as my head throbbed painfully but I could feel the vibrations of the chest I was pressed to. I gave a pain-filled shout as I clutched at the arms holding me. I felt sorry for Uncle Jace as my fingers dug deep into the muscles of his arms.

The waves grew in intensity and I struggled to breathe for what felt like hours. Sharp cries of pain exited my mouth and nothing around me mattered. It was like I was encased in a bubble filled with unbearable, painful static that I could never escape until it was all suddenly gone. I slumped against the large male, my chest heaving with the effort of breathing. I sounded terrible, my breath was coming out in wheezes and my entire body shuddered every so often.

"Two months of that, by herself? You have got to be fucking kidding me." The voice was pained and I rolled my head on the wide chest I lay on and saw Davin. His face was pale and he looked angry. "Why didn't you tell Uncle Andrew sooner? Why wait until you couldn't move?" His voice cracked slightly and his green eyes were narrowed. I closed my eyes against the sight and let my head roll back to its natural position.

Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ