Chapter 3

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Tell me tell me teeellllll me whatcha think!

lol I feel like this story will be very frustrating because just like me, you guys probably want them to figure their shit out and get back together.

Naaahh, what's the fun in that? (:

Everything is slow as Louis stands from the couch, like he's in some sort of trance. He knew this moment would come where he'd see Harry again, but he underestimated how much it would genuinely affect him. There's a plethora of emotions running through him right now, and he's not sure which one to focus on. Everyone in the room falls silent when Harry's eyes lock on Louis'. The ultimate reunion of two exes after being separated for three years. It's a lot to take in. A lot to handle, and Louis is pretty sure his heart beat is the loudest thing in the room right now.

Harry is different. Much different than what he expected. Louis assumed he would see all rockstar and sex appeal. Confident and arrogant, maybe even having some sort of starlight glow surrounding him. But that is not at all what he is seeing. Instead, there stands a boy, so fragile and small. Skinny and frail. The once vibrance of his green eyes now dulled with exhaustion, hanging on to the last bit of light that he has. What used to be a boy who constantly drew attention, now stands a man who shies away from all the eyes in the room. As if he simply wants to disappear. No confidence. Just weak and unsure, barely holding it together for the sake of the show.

The goofy - dorky boy is no longer there. All the smiles and dimpled laughter, just a mere thought in the past. The brightness that Harry once was is now clouded by a dimness, all fake smiles that don't reach his eyes and tired lines stretching his face. Harry's taller now. Much taller with long legs and a lean torso. His hair has grown out as wall, reaching to about chin length. Curly and messy, chestnut in color and framing the thin structure of his face. He used to have very voluminous and healthy hair. One of Louis' favorites things about him, aside from the lovely way he smelled. But now his hair is dry and thinner, like it's been falling out and this is what's left over. Maybe it's the stress. Maybe something is wrong.

Harry's skin is different too. In the past, he struggled with acne on his face. But it was still so smooth and soft. Louis would think with all the travel Harry does, especially to the sunny parts in the world, he would have nice, golden skin. A warm glow that radiates off his body. Nope. He's just as pale as ever, peachy and milky white. And although he's out grown the acne phase, there is a red flush to various spots on his skin, rosy and irritated, like it's something he's been scratching raw. His knees cave in, a timid feature to his posture. Shoulders slouched, a type of uncertainty that lingers with him.

Everything about the Harry that Louis is seeing right now is not at all what he expected. He doesn't know if he feels relieved or worried at the moment. Because if looking at Harry is anything to go by, then clearly the last three years have not been good to him.

"Alright," Niall's voice ends up cutting through. The tension in the room had grown so thick that his voice jolted nearly everyone. Louis broke eye contact first, smiling at Liam and Sophia who rejoin him on the couch again. "Let's continue the celebration then, shall we?"

"I'll hook up some music," Zayn says, walking over to the speaker near the television.

Gigi heads over to the couch as well and gets the games set up. Anne and Robin both whisper something privately to Harry and then walk towards the kitchen area, probably giving him the space to hang out with his friends for a bit. Gemma pats his back in almost a comforting sort of way, and Louis tries his best to keep his eyes on his friends instead of peaking over to the two of them. It's quite hard not to stare, especially with the shocking discovery of Harry's appearance. His eyes linger a bit longer than he intends, completely drowning out the rules that Liam is explaining about the new game they're about to start.

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