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*20 years later*

The years past, but February was always a hard time for the both of us. You never get over something like what had happened to us. We moved around after her death, where no one knew of our misfortunes. We didn't want to be bothered about it.

Eventually we moved back to Storybrook. A week later the curse was broken.

After a long talk we decided to go our separate ways. Rumplestiltskin and Red were two very different people from Robert Gold and Ruby Lucas. They definitely didn't have anything in common. Our curse lives weren't real anyway.

I started dating my true love, Belle. We had been together for a wile, when that dreaded day rolled around. Normally I would lay in bed all day with Ruby, but not today. No matter how many times I told myself that my life during the curse was fake, I knew the loss of Luna was very real.

I got out of bed around 11:00am and got ready. Belle wanted me to go do something with her today. Stupidly I had agreed. It was almost noon when I arrived at her apartment to pick her up.

She got in my car and looked at me, "Is something wrong."

"Not now, you are here." I tried to flatter her and cause her to forget what she was asking.

It worked. "Thank you Rumple." She blushed.

"Now, where are we off to?"


Ruby had kept the old dinner, and opened it back up when we moved back. I was bound to see her there.

"Are you sure you are okay?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, of course. Granny's it is."

When we arrived I helped her inside. She took a seat at the very back booth.

"I am going to the restroom. Please order be a hamburger." I really just didn't want to see Ruby. I didn't want her to crumble into my arms the way she had the years before. I didn't want to hold her and love her like I had before.

Belle nodded. "Okay."

I stepped around the corner and listened.

"What can I get ya?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, this is just always a ruff time of year for me I guess." I could tell she was holding back tears. She was doing a very good job of hiding it, but I could always tell. "What can I get ya?"

"Um, two hamburgers, and two teas please."

"Your not alone?"

"No, my boyfriend came as well."

There was a long silence, "Bo, Rumplestiltskin?"

"Yeah, Rumple and I decided to grab a bite here."

"I normally don't see him here."

"Yeah, for some reason he doesn't normally come, but today I told him that we where going to do what I want." Belle laughed.

"Oh, well I'll be back with your drinks."

I heard steps coming towards me. Belle coming to check on me.

Nope, Ruby almost ran into me. "Bobby." She said quietly. She pressed her body against mine, wrapping her arms around me. "Please, just hold me. Please, just for a minute. I can't do this alone."

I wrapped my arms around the girl. My hands touched the skin on her back, that her top left exposed. I could smell her hair. I missed holding her like this, but Belle was my true love. I shouldn't have missed this. "I can't either. It's okay Jewel."

"Do you mind coming by tonight. I don't want to be alone at midnight."

"Of course."

She let me go, "You should probably go back with Belle."

I nodded letting her go. "Probably." I sighed. I walked back and sat down with Belle.

"What took you so long? Are you feeling okay?" She reached across the table and pressed the back of her hand against my forehead. "You don't have a fever, but you don't look so good."

"I'm fine dear."

*at the shop later*

"So, there is a party tonight at the dock. We should go." Belle sat up on the counter.

"I can't."

"Are you sick? If you are you should tell me."

"No, I'm fine." I walked over to her. "I just can't."

"Please Rumple. Whatever it is, you can tell me." She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm going to see someone."

"Who?" She tilted her head to the side, begging me to tell her.

"I was married during the curse. We parted ways afterwards. Tonight is a special night for us, and we need to be together. Do you understand?"

"Why is it special?"

"Belle, it's between us."


"Our daughter died."

"... what?"

"Jewel, she was pregnant. The baby didn't make it. Tonight it's the 20th anniversary of her death."



"Ruby!? You are married to Ruby?"

"We aren't married. That was our curse life. It wasn't real."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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