Before Ragnarok

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As he raises the cup to his lips, the liquid spills out, playing with his tastebuds, dancing with his mouth and his mind. Everytime he drank mead, it was like the first. Dragan first tasted the delicacy after he defeated 3 of his comrades in battle as requested by the goddess Freyja ("FRAY-yah"). Apparently some of the Valkyries had let slip that he reminded them of the goddess of beauty and war, and she had to see for herself. Ever since that night, Freyja had taken quite the interest in him.

As the memory faded away Dragan was brought back to reality when his world started to spiral. Literally and metaphorically. As the blood soaked dirt covered his face upon impact, his cup of mead clashed to the ground, and all eyes were drawn to him. Through hazy eyes, Dragan saw a fellow einherjar approach his body. Through hazy ears, Dragan heard his fellow einherjar say something along the lines of "Alright up you get. Don't worry everybody, Dragans just had a tough day" as he drags Dragan's limp body towards home. Dragan put up a fight the best he could, which just consisted of grumbling sounds, but the stranger understood. "You've had enough today Dragan. Just go home. You've had enough for all of us." Giving up, Dragan passes out the rest of the way home, but regains consciousness when he feels the soft sheets of his bed. "Have a good nights rest bud, and tomorrow maybe go easy of the mead. You're drinking it like its oxygen." As the einherjar leaves, he shuts the door with a heavy thud, but Dragan hears nothing, his thunderous snores wreaking havoc on the frail skeleton of his abode.

That was the first night that Dragan took hislove for mead too far, but from that night on I became a nightly occurrence.Each time he tasted the fermented liquid, his mind fogged up and all hisinhibitions left, taking with it, his bravery. This heavy drinking, earned himthe nickname, Dragan the Drunk.    

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