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The following Monday morning Rosalie sat down with a huff as she entered the library, which was out of character for the blonde

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The following Monday morning Rosalie sat down with a huff as she entered the library, which was out of character for the blonde.

Raymond, who had been munching on a bag of chips and debating what he would be binge watching while working out later that day, looked up with a raised brow at her action. It had been a week since they'd first met and the blonde had not once shown this anger. Her lip was pouted, honey eyes a deep amber, and her heeled foot bounced as she looked down to the ground and then up at him.

She seemed to relax a little the longer they stared at one another, like her body swayed to comfort the longer he took deep breaths. He didn't question her, simply waited until her fingers unclenched and she went back to a still demeanor.

He dropped the bag of chips, scooting into the table, "I take it someone pissed you off."

Rosalie scoffed, slightly humored as she responded, "how did you know?"

"Well it's not often that a girl comes up to me with clenched fists and when it does happen I usually get slapped or punched, thanks by the way it's nice to know I don't piss off the entire female population." Raymond wittily answered, winking at her as he relaxed back. He found that this added water to her her fury as she laughed and now seemed to soften.

Jasper walked up to them, looking between the two for a moment before dropping his navy blue backpack. He thinned his lips, "Rose? Raymond?"

"Sup," Ray nodded his way, "everything good?"

The twins looked at each other, merely blank stares and doing that single minded communication. Rosalie's lip twitches as if she was angry, and Jasper smirked at her seeming to have won the argument as he turned back to the Thompson boy. "Edwards back, and he's gonna try and make amends with your sister. Rose here tried to convince not too on your behalf and—"

"It went up in smoke, in one ear and out the other." Rosalie said with a slight vicious nature. She huffed, crossing her arms with more anger then before, she returned her vision back to Raymond. "I'm apologizing in advance for whatever he does but also giving you full authority to hit him with that left swing of yours."

"Oh come on now Rose, you know I'm not allowed to punch anyone, I'll be in jail." Ray joked, surprisingly he wasn't as pissed as he should have been. Although Edward wasn't his favorite person in the world he had a feeling that Bella could handle her own.

"You're not mad?" She questioned after a moment, face blank as she awaited his response.

Ray shook his head, "I thing you've yelled your brothers ear off enough for the both of us besides, I told Bella I'd be more chill about things so I'm gonna let her deal with him and let her call me if she needs my help."

The twins flickered their eyes to one another in the pause it took Raymond to grab his chips once more. Jasper speaking this time, "what if she never does?"

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