Chapter 50

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Dawn's POV

As we walked around the town, we stop at some small stores here and there. It wasn't very busy, being a small town and all.

I didn't talk much considering there were some people walking around, so Jesse did all the talking while I only whispered every now and then.

"And then she said I'm smart!" He exclaims with a huge smile on his face. I almost awed as he talked about the girl he likes. He's had a crush on her for a while now, it's so cute.

"Hey, look," he points across the street, "a snow-globe shop."

He grabs my hand and pulls me across the street.

"Didn't mom love snow-globes?" He asks as he stares in the window.

I nod, a small smile forming on my face.

"We still have her box of snow-globes," I whisper to him.

"Come on, we can add one to it," he says as he tugs me inside

We look around for the perfect one, picking some up and shaking them.

Then we finally found it.

There was a tiny house on a hill with a brown dog outside. She would've liked this one. She loved the ones with happy and peaceful settings.

I remember going with her a few times to shop for these. She would've picked it up, and yelled out about how perfect and cute it was.

We pay with some cash we found in dad's bedroom, then leave.

I rest my head on Jesse's shoulder as we walk around some more.

"Want to stop at the coffee shop?" He asks.

I count the money, and decided we had enough to stop there. We walk inside and a little bell goes off. I find a table in the back while he orders.

I picked a small table in the back with two chairs. A few minutes later, Jesse comes up with his iced latte and my hot french vanilla coffee.

It's never too hot for hot coffee.

I sip on it, and enjoy the hottness on my throat.

"What time does he get home?" Jesse asks.

I reply with a shrug. It's Saturday and he usually doesn't work on weekends, but he got called in today which is why we're here.

Not the smartest idea to go out when we don't know when he'll be back, but he's going to give me a beating anyways.

"So when do you want to start getting back?"

Again, I shrug. I'm going to get a beating no matter what, might as well give him a reason for it.

Jesse smirks.

"You're starting to get that fire back, I like it!" He exclaims.

My eyes widen.

"Did I say that out loud?" I whisper.

He laughs and nods, while I face palm.

We drink our coffees, and he's about to say something else when the bell rings again. My attention goes behind him, but my face pales as I see who has walked through the door. Jesse takes notice in my reaction and looks behind him.

Ryder, Jenny, TJ, Jon, and Becca all look around for a table while Beau goes to the counter. All of the sudden, all of their eyes land on us. I quickly look down at my coffee, and Jesse turns back around.

I glance up to see four people pulling chairs up to our little table, not caring about the limited space.

Yeah, you can sit with us, thanks for asking!

"Hey, guys," Jesse says with a smile.

They all cheerfully greet us back.

I look around and see Ryder with Beau, helping with the food and drinks. They pull up chairs and join us all.

"Never seen you two here before," Beau says, "or... anywhere but school, for that matter," he laughs.

"Yeah we decided to finally explore the town," Jesse replys.

I sit awkardly while everyone talks to each other- everyone but me and Ryder.

He quietly eats his sandwich while the rest talks with their mouths full. They all stop their conversation when Beau asks me a question.

"Hey are you hungry, Dawn?" He asks.

I look up from my half way gone coffee with a shocked expression. After a few more seconds, I shake my head.

"You sure? I got two doughnuts, but I don't want the second one," he pulls out his other doughnut.

I feel confusion wash over me.

Was that supposed to be a joke about my weight?

I realized the irony in that thought and hold back a chuckle.

I shake my head again, but at the same time Jesse shouts out "Yes she does!"

I narrow my eyes at him, and he gives me a quick pleading look. I roll my eyes, and make no move to take it.

"Dawn," Jesse says. I look at him and see his pleading look again, then I remember everyone sitting around us and panic a little.

The things they could be thinking right now, oh god! I take the doughnut, trying to put an end to our slip up.

They slowly start talking again, but I notice they're all cutting their eyes back to me as I slowly start picking at the doughnut.

It has chocolate frosting and a lot of sprinkles with some type of jelly in the middle. This is not going to be good. I slowly eat it, hoping that if I do it slowly my body could handle it better.

Ryder is staring at me, not even caring that I notice. Making this impossiblely more awkward.

I get halfway done with it when I start to feel a familiar sick feeling.

I try to push it down and hide my sickness, by acting like I'm interested in their conversation about football or some other sport.

I feel that tingling feeling in my mouth and a tightening in my stomach.

When I realize there's no stopping it, I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. I make it just in time, vommiting as soon as my knees hit the floor.

I hear the door open, and then someone grabs my hair, holding it back for me.

When I'm finally done, I flush the toilet and slowly get up. I turn around and look at Jesse. He looks at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Dawn," he says as his gaze shifts to the floor.

"It's okay," I tell him, "let's go."

I wash my hands, avoiding thr mirror. I already know I look like a wreck.

Everyone looks at us as we walk out of the bathrooms. There faces full of worry. I glance at Ryder to, surprisingly, see a concerned expression, but he covers it quickly when he sees me looking.

"What happened?" Jenny asked.

"Um..." Jesse looks at me, then back at them, "we have to go, guys. Sorry."

Without another word, he walks out with me behind him. I hold back from looking behind me at Ryder.

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