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I gasp, pain radiating from my side. Daryl kneels over me, his rough hand on the side of my face. I look up into his ocean eyes, frightened.

"Where..." I rasp, unable to get a full sentence out.

"It's aight, rabbit girl. You're okay." Daryl smooths my hair soothingly. "We gotta get you to the doc."

He tucks one arm under my back and the other beneath my knees, grunting as he stands. I groan, and he glances down at me with concern. My head lulls, and I lean into his chest. He is something solid to lean against. His arms are warm, safe.

A bandage is wrapped tightly around his head, and dirt and blood coat his face. I glance down at his dirty shirt. Blood seeps through his mud caked tank top.

"You look awful." I mutter.

He scoffs. "You're not looking so great yourself." He retorts, climbing the steps to Hershel's house.

I shiver, even in the summer heat, and feel myself fading.

"Doc!" Daryl calls, glancing down at me. Hershel rounds the corner, taking in my injuries. "We don't have any more beds, we might have to---"

"She can have mine." Daryl cuts him off, turning into a room. The mattress creaks as he sets me down on a cream colored comforter.

"This is..." Hershel rubs his chin, stepping back  from the bed in shock.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Daryl barks.

Rick and Glenn barge into the room. "What can we do?" Rick's eye dart from my side to Hershel.

"Ok. Ok." He rinses his wiped his hands with a rag. "I don't think its hit any organs. You two hold her down, I'm going to remove the wood." He turns to Daryl. "Keep her calm."

I feel Glenn and Rick's hands on either of my arms, pinning them to the bed.

"This is going to hurt." Hershel warns me, putting both his hands on the wood.

I nod groggily, turning away and looking at Daryl. He stares at me intently, with the utmost concentration. "I was mad, thought you left me."

"I just couldn't find you." I whisper, scanning his face drowsily. "I promised I'd have your back, didn't I?"

"I should have gone and found you." He replies softly. "I promised I'd have your back, too."

"It's okay." I say almost inaudibly.

His eyes dart from Hershel back to me. He swallows, hesitantly brushing back a piece of my hair.

"One... two... three!" Hershel grunts. I feel a tremendous pressure on my side, then nothing, and all of a sudden I feel really tired, like the world has drained me of everything.

"She's losing blood." Hershel warns, putting his hands on my side. "Rick, get a towel from the linen closet."

"Hey, rabbit girl." Daryl lets go of all his reservations, putting his hands on either side of my face. "Don't you go to sleep on me." I blink, fighting to stay awake. "I need you to have my back out there."

I reach up with one hand, accidentally smudging some blood on his cheek. "I'll always have your back." My eyelids flutter shut and I find myself welcoming the warm embrace of sleep.

CHEROKEE ROSE (D. DIXON)Where stories live. Discover now