Chapter 15

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"I have no idea what to bring," I say to Jana as I stare at my open suitcase

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"I have no idea what to bring," I say to Jana as I stare at my open suitcase. I called her over to my house to help, and she joins me at my side, also staring down.

"Well, you'll need pajamas for sure. Bring cute pajamas, something sweet, maybe a little girly. He's probably going to see you in them so—"

"Jana, I can't base this trip around Daniel. I'll drive myself insane. What is suppose to happen anyway? It's just a schoolgirl crush."

Jana rolls her eyes. "That is the understatement of the year." She walks over to my dresser and rummages through my pajamas, pulling out a matching top and shorts set. The top is a blue fitted t-shirt with white polka dots and the shorts are white with blue polka dots. My now stepmother bought them for me when I was in Florida. "These are cute," Jana says before folding them and placing them in the bag. Then she returns to the drawer.

"My stepmom bought me clothes every now and then. She said mine looked too depressing," I tell Jana. "She thought wearing cute pajamas would make me feel happy before falling asleep, so I hopefully wouldn't have nightmares about Harrison. You'll find more sets like that in there."

Next, she pulls out two more of the same set, but different patterns. "I like them. Did it work?"

"Some nights, along with the soft music, essential oils, forest sounds, waves sounds, journaling, and meditation."

Jana places the other pairs in the suitcase. "The nightmares were that bad?"

I nod. "My dad would have to wake me up because I would be begging Harrison to stop in my sleep."

Jana sits down on my bed, more affected by the story than I thought she would be. "How do you stand to look at him at school? How can you be in the same room as him? That's not fair, Hailey. He can't just ruin you and get away with it! W-We have to do something—he traumatized you!"

I place my hand on her shoulder. "Calm down. I don't get those kinds of nightmares anymore. I haven't had one in a while."

"Still, you shouldn't have had to go through that in the first place."

I shrug. "Life isn't fair. Now let's focus back on this," I motion to the suitcase, "no more sad stuff."

"I know I just, I hate him," she grumbles and saunters to my closet. "I wanna punch him, hard, over and over."

"Don't worry, karma will come for him one day."

Jana pulls out clothes from my closet and I watch her as she mentally constructs outfits. I'll have to ask her what goes with what when we're at the cabin, but she seems to enjoy packing things up. Everything is neat, organized, and fits together perfectly. I offer to help, but she tells me she has a system going, and it's better if I step aside.

I sit back on my bean bag chair and watch her. "We're up there for four nights, right?"

"Yeah. We drive up tomorrow, have that night to get settled in, then we have three full days, and we leave on Wednesday."

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