Chapter 26 ❋

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Graduation came quickly, and it was now the big day. They say high school are the worst 4 years of your life, but that's bullshit if you ask me. You meet some amazing people and get to experience new things. Although this school was shitty, I can honestly say it was the best 4 years of my life. And if I learned anything from my experience is that high school really does suck, so you should spend it with people who don't.

I nervously paced back and forth in my cap and gown.

"Stop pacing you're making me dizzy." Lauren joked.

"I'm so nervous, I'm going to puke." I said.

"Why are you nervous?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just scared of growing up." I sighed. I was also nervous about giving Camila the ring.

"We all are." I looked at the green eyed girl.

"I'm going to miss you so much Y/N. Thanks being a lit ass friend. I don't think I would've survived high school without you." She said sadly.

"Aw I'm going to miss you so much Lauser." I pulled her into a hug.

"You too Zayn. You've been my friend since middle school, thanks being the plug these past 4 years. Don't forget about Lauren and I when you're rich and famous." I said making my friends laugh at the last part.

"Aw Y/N, don't get all soft on me." He joked. I laughed and pulled him into a hug. "I love you dude."

I made sure to approach each of my friends, just in case I didn't seem them after this.

"Manibear! I'm going to miss you so much. Thanks for hooking me and Camila up again. If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't even be with her right now. She would probably be dating somebody else. I will forever be grateful for you." She smiled at me sadly and looked like she was about to cry.

"Don't cry you'll ruin your beautiful face." She laughed and pulled me into a hug.

I watched as Camila interacted with her other friends.

"Dinah said you got Mila a present what is it?" Normani asked.

My friends gathered in a circle. I pulled out the small box that held the two rings. They gasped.

"Holy shit are you proposing?" Normani said in shock as grabbed the ring.

"No that's too soon. It's a promise ring." I explained.

"That's so cute. Camila better be sure not to let you slip away. You're a good one Y/NN" Lauren said in awe.

"I agree." Zayn said.

I smiled at them and put the rings back into my pocket.

"Alright guys line it up! You guys are about to start going in." A teacher yelled.

I got in my line as we started walking into the gym. Balloons floated above our heads. I looked around the gym, it was packed.

Once the whole senior class was seated the principal began his speech.

"First off I'd like to say congratulations to the class of 2017!" The whole gym was filled with cheers.

"I'm sad to see yet another class go, but I'm also proud. I wish nothing but good fortune for all of you. I know you guys will do good in the real world."

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