chapter fortyfive

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The next couple of days became a kissing game. Every time Kell tried to have a serious conversation about something, she threw herself at him.

Which equaled a lot of making out. She had no problem with this, but she knew it couldn't last forever.

He was already on to her. He knew exactly what she was doing. She wasn't sure he knew why. In fact, he couldn't possibly know why.

How much longer could she hide it?

She didn't even know for sure what it was she was trying to hide. Were they mated? She didn't know how in the hell it happened, but she was very afraid they were.

At night when she couldn't sleep, she thought about it a lot.

The mark had always been there. Unnoticed for the most part. A weird birthmark she didn't give much thought to. When did it become more than that?

There was still a chance it wasn't. A small shot in the dark but she was holding on to it like her life depended on it.

After these last few nights of no sleep, she could even pinpoint when it happened. Before she had even met the bastard. A couple days before they stepped through the barricade. She had just lost her mom. The last thing she'd been worried about is a burning on her shoulder.

Her sister and her aunt had been sick and sleeping in the back of the van. Julian had been asleep in a middle seat with his legs in the seat across from him, so she'd used the time to cry for all that she had lost. Her back propped against the back tire in case someone needed her. Her fist against her mouth so no one heard her cries.

What was a little pain when you already felt like someone had ripped your heart out?

She'd never thought about it again. Had no reason to till now. How could he have the same identical mark?

That wasn't the only shitface thing going on. Like her not being able to lock lips with anyone else. Being able to feel his unease. His pain. Yesterday during his training with his guards, his arm had been sliced opened.

It might have been her own arm the way she had carried on.

Right in the middle of history, surrounded by other humans. All of them had looked at her like she had lost her mind.

Once she realized her arm wasn't split opened elbow to wrist, she thought handled it pretty well.

Denial. Claimed she pinched her arm in the desk. Anyone who didn't believe that got a mind your on damn business.

She didn't know why she was surprised when Kell showed up to lunch with no wound. With their hi-tech crap, who knew what was possible. If she was going to be surprised about something it should be that he was unaware of her whole incident.

Unless he wasn't.

God, she hoped he was unaware of it. Too many more stunts like that and she'd give herself away.

"Human Jessalynn, is there something I could help with. You seemed distressed."

Had Kellum really been like this dickweed?

Danoko never smiled. Never had any expression on his face. He might could tell she was distressed but he wasn't overly worried about it one way or the other.

Dude was only half a step away from being a robot. Tall, thin, and pale. Too damn smart. A couple days of him correcting her speech and she wanted to pull his backbone out through his mouth. If he even had a backbone. She hadn't decided yet. No matter what she said or did to the annoying ass he never stood up for himself.

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