Chapter 30

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Jamie in the media box, played by Stella Maxwell :)

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I stepped outside of the schools gate and stopped, looking up at the sky. It was dark and a low rumble filled the air. It smelled beautiful, clean and I sucked in a breath, enjoying it all. The wind picked up, gently tugging and pushing at me.

I walked out onto the grass, smiling as another breeze blew around me. My smile widened when I felt drops of rain touch my skin. They were light and cool as they slowly fell, making my hair damp. I reached my hands out, letting the raindrops hit my palms.

I heard someone approaching behind me and my heart fluttered when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Sebastian asked, sounding amused.

I bit my lip and watched the drops of water pool, creating a puddle in my hands. "I am."

He rested his head on my shoulder and watched the water with me.

Just a few hours had passed since I broke down and told him everything. I had been sure that he would never speak to me again, but he defied all of my expectations. It felt as if there had been a barrier between us, thin, but unbreakable. Now, there was no barrier.

"I thought you were afraid of water." He said, sounding thoughtful. He stood straight, but didn't move away from me.

I smiled. "This is hardly anything to fear." I said, referring to the small amount of water in my hands. "And I am not afraid of water."

He made a sound of disbelief and I sent a harmless glare at him over my shoulder.

"I've never felt the rain before." I said softly, letting the water slip through my fingers. I wiped my hands on the sides of my blazer.

The agency had been in a remote place, deep into a remote desert. The Agency had been a fortress; even if it did rain, which was rare, all training was held inside. Of course, I knew what rain was, I'd see it in pictures and videos, but never in person. It was beautiful.

Sebastian squeezed me before turning me in his arms. He brushed the wet strands of hair out of my face and cupped my cheek. A strike of lightning flashed behind me and it reflected in Sebastian's eyes, electrifying the green color. He stood close to me, leaving just a breath between us.

"Hey, Sebastian!" He blinked and leaned back from me to see who had called him.

I recognized the boy from around campus. He was often with Sebastian, in between classes and after the school day ended. They were friends.

Looking out, I noticed other students watching us. They were staring with suspicious or curious gazes. I didn't know what could have caused us to suddenly have so much attention. Turning back to Sebastian's friend, I tried to ignore the other students.

My eyes suddenly landed on a girl, standing across the parking lot, her blonde hair covering most of her face. Before I could get a good look, though, she turned and disappeared into the crowd.

"Hey, Thomas." Sebastian greeted and my attention returned to the boys in front of me. He stepped away from me, but kept a hand on the small of my back.

Thomas looked over at me as he approached, his eyes alight with curiosity. He looked back at Sebastian with raised eyebrows before turning back to me.

"I'm Thomas." He held his hand out to me and I shook it, returning his smile.

"I'm Bella." I responded. His eyes widened and filled with recognition.

"You're Angela's cousin?" He glanced over at Sebastian with a look I couldn't decipher.

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