Chapter 13

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

Felan moved around the room, humming softly. I let my eyes wander down his small body and back up again. Suddenly, a small hand came down towards me, but I quickly grabbed the person's wrist, stopping the attack. Alvah glared down at me, Wynn behind him with an apologetic look. "Don't stare! Look at him!!"

My eyes turned to the small boy, and indeed, his body was stiff and his face was red. Only, I knew it wasn't because if my staring. This time. Instead, a sweet drifted through the room, making me growl slightly.

Getting up, I walked over to Felan. "Felan?"

I reached out, touching his shoulder. He moaned, melting into my touch. Suddenly, realizing hit me, and I pulled him close, growling at Alvah and Wynn. "Get Out."

Alvah stepped forward. "But-"


Wynn grabbed the frozen Alvah, dragging him out of the house without another word.

A small tug on my shirt made me look down at the flushed Felan. "K-Kyran... It hurts."

My body reacted on it's own and before I could think, I was carrying the small boy to my room.

Pushing him down on the bed, I pinned him down and leaned over top of him. His sweet scent made me groan, my canines growing into long fangs, my tongue flicking over my lips in anticipation.

Felan watched me, his eyes wandering down to my fangs. His hand reached out, touching one gently. He's never seen me like this, has he? Seen me for the monster I am. I gave a sad smile, but he just moaned, letting his arm fall back. "P-please..."

"You're in heat, aren't you?" I asked, my voice deeper than normal.

Felan's face turned away, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. Nodding, he whispered, "Y-yes..." His eyes turned to mine. "Please... Mark me."

I gulped, recalling the book. 'dominant partner will mark the submissive by giving a bite, just at the back of the neck, or at the junction of the neck and shoulder.'

He turned his head up, revealing his pale neck. Growling, I felt desire to sink my teeth into his neck. Was this a desire to mark him, or feed off him? At this point, I didn't care. I wanted... No, needed to mark him. Make him mine.

The thought appealed me, despite the fact that we'd only been together for little more than a week. Right now, all I cared about was the small boy under me. Felan. His eyes were hooded now, his breathing labored. Moving my eyes down, I stopped at his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat. All the blood from flowing through his veins.

My body moved closer, my mouth opening in anticipation as I felt the warmth of my mate. Mine. Felan let out a small noise. Was it from fear or pleasure? I didn't know.

My fangs pierced his porcelain skin, fresh blood flooding my mouth and making my mind go blank. It was sweet, delicious, wonderful. More... I have to have more. I continued to suck, taking more and more of the sweet blood.

Only when I heard Felan's small whimper did I snap out of my trance, pulling back and gasping. His face was pale, paler than usual, two bite marks on his neck standing out against his pale skin as blood dripped from the wounds. Felan's eyes dropped closed, but not before I saw the fear in them. Fear.

Suddenly, I hated the metallic taste of Felan's blood in my mouth, my chest heaving as regret and guilt flooded my chest. He's afraid. Of me. No... He can't be. Not Felan. Anyone else, just not him.

Jumping up from the bed, I raced out of the room, wiping his blood from my chin as I arrived at my office, slamming the door and locking myself inside. I looked down, staring at the drops of red blood on my hands. What... What have I done? My body trembled and I whimpered, burying my face in my knees. Everyone was right; I am a monster.

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