RWBY Part 12 - Team Mate?

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A/N - Well Hello. I apologize for the lack of updates recently. Been a little busy. But I'm not gonna give any excuses. So without further ado. Let's begin with part 12. Enjoy
Last time on Shiokaze15's RWBY Story
(I'm not gonna bother with all that. Sorry about the reference. If you can guess what I was referencing to. You can request for me to do anything. story wise that is)

Y/N - Wakes up in the infirmary yet again. God damn it. Mizure. I'm guessing you're in here with me waiting for me to wake up, so tell me, what did I do to get here this time.

Mizure - Damn that was creepy. And umm. You touched Yang's hair.

Y/N - Huh? Is that really it? Sounds like a bad way to go out... Well anyway Mizure let's head to class shall we?

Mizure - (Y/N). It's a saturday. We don't have school today.

Y/N - Really? Wow. Have I really been hospitalised that much that I've lost like an entire week of school?

Mizure - Yes. Yes you have. Hey (Y/N). Since it's a saturday. I was wondering if you woukd like to go on a da-

Ozpin - Over the speakers. Could Mr. (L/N) and Ms Cincada, please come up to my Office as quickly as possible.

Y/N - Must be pretty urgent if Ozpin is asking for us himself. What was you going to ask me Mizure?

Mizure - O-oh. It's nothing.

Y/N - You sure? It seemed pretty important. You've actually turned red.

Mizure - I-I said it's fine. O-okay?

Y/N - Okay ... So Cincada huh?

Mizure - What about it?

Y/N - Just didn't know your last name. Or I did, but I forgot about it.

Mizure - Probably the second one. Now. Should we head to Ozpin's Office?

Y/N - Sure let's go.

Magical Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) about to break to 4th wall

Mizure - (Y/N) stop!!!

Y/N - Stop what? I was just asking whether or not you thought that we were actually just characters of an American anime remake added in to fit the wims of a creator. Or an author?

Mizure - And I said to stop!!! This is a very touchy subject that really shouldn't be meddled with.

Y/N - Why though!?!?!

Mizure - I'll tell you when the story finishes.


Mizure - I never said that. Now shush. We're here.

Y/N - You implied it though. That's a win in my book. Opens the door to Ozpin's office

Ozpin - Ah Mr (L/N), Ms Cincada. I'd like to introduce you to -

Y/N - Robyn is that you? I'll be a monkey's uncle. If it isn't Robyn Shindou

Robyn - Hey (Y/N) it's been a while hasn't it.

Mizure - Mind explaining who this this?

Y/N - Oh Mizure. This is Robyn. The friend I told you about who tried to kill me because she won't admit to being a Tsundere. Although she is deadly when jealous. I think you two will get along just well.

Mizure & Robyn - What's that supposed to mean???

Y/N - You'll find out soon enough. Hehehe. Anyway. Professor Ozpin. What pleasure do we owe this then?

Ozpin - Well (Y/N). You'll be pleased to know, that Robyn here will be joining your team as a third team member.

Mizure - Hold on. I don't consent to this. But I least I won't have to put up with (Y/N) on my own anymore. N-not that I wanted to or anything...

Robyn - Wow. I never thought I'd see the day where (Y/N) of all people was right about something. She really is a Tsundere.

Y/N - Told you.

Ozpin - Well since there seems to be no objectiond. I guess it's okay. I guess from now on. You'll be team (Initial)MR. For now that is.

Y/N - Thank you sir. We shall take our leave. The three of you leave the room and almost immediately you are tackled down to the ground by none other than Robyn

Robyn - Oh (Y/N). I missed you so much. Why didn't you write to me.

Y/N - I've been meaning to. I've just been hospitalised a lot recently.

Robyn - huh. What for.

Mizure - With jealousy in her eyes. He was in there because of his stupidity. That's all. Now can you get off of him?!?!

Robyn - Damn. You have no chill. And why should I get off of him? You jealous?

Mizure - N-no. I'm just thinking about his personal space is all.

Robyn - Well. I guess I can. But only until we get to our dorm room. Okay?

Mizure - Just stay off of him. End of story.

Y/N - Do I actually get a say in all this?

M&R - No. You don't

Y/N - This is truly going to be a long term.
A/N - And there you have it. Remember Robyn from Part 1. Well she's back now. I hope you don't mind. Now I know this is the Yang Arc of the story. But remember what was said in this part by Mizure "It's Saturday" So we still have time to get this Arc up and running.

Tell me what you thought of this chapter. Critisize me and tell me your thoughts. If you could that would be great.

This chapter we had about 860 words. Which is okay I guess. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I certainly enjoyed writing it. I'll try to update this story more since it's been a while. But until next time. I bid you adieu. *bows out*

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