Chapter Thirty.

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Zayd's P.O.V.

I finished my childhood story which was about me pranking on a teacher and then being grounded by my dad.
I then looked at her for any reaction but found that she was sound asleep.

I intentionally didn't tell her about Aliza.
I wanted to show her the diary.
I wanted her to know about her family.
I wanted her to know about her sister.
I wanted her to know about her dad whom she never met.
I wanted her to know about her real mum.
But i couldn't do all that cause I wanted her to first enjoy Aisha and Arjun's wedding.

And now that the wedding is over, I had to tell her.
I pulled the duvet, covering both of us and slept, making a final decision of telling her in the morning.

I woke up at the time of fajr (morning prayers) that's around 4:45 am.
As usual my eyes opened without an alarm.
I looked on the other side of the bed to find Anya not there.

She might be in the washroom.

I stood up to do wudhu(ضوء‎‎ ablution), heading towards the washroom.
I heard the water faucet running.
I knocked and Anya opened the door,"do you have an extra tooth-brush?"

At first I had not noticed, but my eyes then wandered to her wet hair, the water dripping down her towel wrapped body.
She realised also that the condition she was in and without further ado,she slammed the door shut in the process hurting my nose.

"Ouch!" I spoke.
She muttered,"sorry."
I laughed and said,"its okay Coeur, there is one in the cabinet."
I heard the shuffling and then a reply came,"okay I got it."
Meanwhile I waited for her to finish brushing.

I knocked again after few minutes since I was getting late for my prayers.
She didn't open instead she said,"Zayd? Do you have anything I can wear?"
I smiled at the thought of her wearing my clothes.
I removed a random tee from my cup-board and knocked her door,"here, wear this, lemme look something for you to wear in Aisha's room."

She opened the door and removed her hand to get hold of my tee-shirt.
I gave her my tee and headed towards Aisha's room.
I opened her room to find it empty.
This girl! I tell you.
I can't believe that she took all of her things at Arjun's place.
I passed her washroom which had a walk-in closet inside.
And saw that she also took her loofah.
Seriously? Loofah?
I shook my head and entered her closet.
To find it empty.

Empty handed, I came out of her room and bumped into my mum.
"Zayd!"She exclaimed.
"What were you doing in Aisha's room?"
I stuttered and said,"Umm...i...i..was looking..umm something to wear."
I looked anywhere but at my mum.
"In Aisha's room?" She asked.
I nodded.
She raised her eye-brows and i answered,"for Anya not for me."
Her face held a shocked face and she said,"Anya?
"Yeah she is in my room."

"What?" She whisper-yelled.
I didn't say anything.
She took my hand and led me towards my room.
She stood outside the room and she'd, "is she in appropriate clothing?"
"I think so." I answered.
Cause I don't know whether she is still in a towel or she changed into my tee.

"First you open the door and confirm," she said.
I looked at her astound.
"Mum..i? "
She got my hint and entered first.
I entered after her and saw Anya in my clothes.
No..not only my tee but also my jeans.
She has tightened around the waist with belt.
Her hair held up in a messy bun.
She looked at us and said,"Ummm... i was just about to leave."
My mum said,"you better leave before Aisha comes."

"Aisha is coming?" I asked mum.
She nodded and said,"yeah..she is coming for brunch."
I nodded while Anya told me,"i will go then."
I so wanted to stop her but my mum made it so clear with her facial expression that I couldn't.
Just as we exited my room, my dad saw Anya.

He looked at me and asked,"what is she doing here?"
He then looked at my mum.
My mum stood before him, keeping her hand on his chest she said,"she is just leaving..right Zayd?" She then looked at me while still facing my dad.
I nodded.

But i then spoke,"Why can't she stay over dad?"
My dad looked more angry and said,"
I am sure you know, I am sure Aliza that was her name right? I am sure she told you."
I took a deep breath at the mention of Aliza and tightened my grip on Anya's hand.
From my peripheral vision I could see her looking at me, pain on her face.

I loosened my grip and left from there with Anya.
I made her sit on my car and drove off.
No words were spoken.

"You have passed the way to my house," Anya spoke.
I didn't say anything instead i ignored her and kept on driving.
She didn't speak anything and just stared ahead.
I cursed myself for my behaviour and spoke,"i just have to go somewhere far."
She nodded.

I just hope she understands me.

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