105th Poem: Hopes and Dreams

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I wish I could not feel like everything I did was useless, 

that I'd never be anything.

I wish I could do dance, because that's all I want to do,

a worthy sport I could learn, I could choreograph too.

I wish I could be smart, smart like my dad. 

I don't want to let him down, but thinking I will do so makes me sad.

I wish, I wish, I wish.

All this wishing, and what for?

If I were smart like my dad, I wouldn't be myself.

If I did useless things, I wouldn't have such a great family.

If I could do dance now I wouldn't be the same.

If I was meant to not be anything, people wouldn't be as encouraging.

If, if, if. 

If anything was different, I wouldn't be me.

Get ahold of yourself, just look at the doors,

what do you think that they are all here for?

So many opportunities, so many people that support you,

so many abilities, so many that are inside you.


you see them, I know you do.


deep inside, I know you feel it too.


to your heart, your mind, your soul.


what everyone is telling you.


the different taste that triumph and resilience will give you.


the sweet aroma of victory.


your overcoming of goals, your wonderful achievements.


those who stayed with you and nurtured you,

helping you achieve those goals.


the smiles roll in, the hearty pats on the back.


that you had greatness in you all along and people who loved you so much that they made you strong.

And remember, 

just exactly where you came from.


Written for someone I once cared about in August 2017.

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