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  The son of Mercedes and Omnipitus was gagged, stripped despite his protests and a scratchy white robe was pulled over his head it rubbed against his fevered body like hot sand . The chains were none too gently placed on his already raw wrists only adding to his painful injuries.

The blond white winged Lite attempted desperately to fly, however the excruciating pain that tore through his whole body brought him gasping  to his bleeding knees. He was given not a moments reprieve from the black pin pricks dancing before his undamaged eye. The now flightless Lite was pushed half thrown into a crowded metal cage. Cruel captors dressed all in black cackling, these vile soulless slavers had themselves hidden behind  dark scarves. Not that the child of the Great Godd was in any position to seek retribution. 

 Hot tears well up in his bruised eyes and he cried in the dark corner pushed up against several strangers in equally heavy chains, defeat advertised loudly in the postures of those all around him. They traveled like this through unfamiliar terrain, it felt as if nothing shined, rather it absorbed and did not reflect it's own light. His life force leaked through him, he knew not how, nor did he have the energy to figure it out. Instead he felt himself slipping into the haze of unconsciousness, dancing between giving into the cold or staying awake in this hell. 

He was slipping deeper away from the inner struggle of awake, when freezing water was thrown on the bruised bodies within the cage.  Disbelief and pain brought Lite around to full alertness, he watched in horror as red stained trails marked the oversized robes and  pooling at his bare feet. With shaky hands he reached behind him touching empty air, moving closer to his target he found a sticky gash where his beautiful wings had once been. Another cold splash and he was on his knees, why would someone do this? Why couldn't he remember? "I Said get out!" the slave trader in black robes pulled the stunned and still in shock demi godd forward.

Lite received several hard lashes as incentive to move towards a line, he swayed on his feet his back on fire wherever the cruel whip had licked at his shoulders and legs. There were others being chained up at their feet to follow behind another caravan, soon all would meet their new masters. They marched in the dimmest of light, even the stars where hiding from him under the cover of gray waterless clouds. He had been somehow kidnapped and left for dead but by who? Who did he anger? Who could hate him so much to do such a thing? And why couldn't he remember? Would his father hear him from wherever he was, in such darkness he could guess it was the Darklands, now the lands of Midnight. 

Their was a commotion in the line and his chains fell from him, a sharp war cry from just to his left had everyone scattering. "Run fools! You're free! GO!" Lite did as the others and made his heavy legs move towards the forested area, away from the slaver roads. No one waited for him, none offered to help him as he stumbled behind, he heard yelling directly behind him daring not look back he pushed forward. His eyes tried to adjust to the dull light, stones cut into his bare feet and sharp sticks and branches beat at his face and body. He pushed himself forward, his need to hide and return to his home, the safety of his father's gardens fueled his frantic actions. He wasn't even aware if his eyes were open or closed, the dark was just so much here his only thoughts were to push forward. 

Soon his world came to a sudden halt, his body slamming into a brick wall, solid very solid and before the he fell unconscious he heard a deep yet familiar voice growl "Shit!" and then nothing.

He often dreamed of his mother, she was always in the garden surrounding the Palace. That was her favorite place, sitting near the luminous waters of the great fountain. This was different somehow then his usual dreams. She was speaking now her mouth moving but no sound coming from her lips, her long blond hair whipping around her, the winds were harsher all very unusual. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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