Chapter 18

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"The right thing to do and the hard thing to do are usually the same." Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free.


Chapter Eighteen

"Is it really you, Aunt Anne?" asked Olivia again.

Faith wanted to say something, anything, to convince Olivia that she was not the aunt that she remembered, that she was a stranger, someone who merely looked like her aunt.

But all Faith could manage was to stare at the twelve year old girl with her mouth open.

Faith could feel herself going into shock. Her mouth was completely dry. She could feel the blood draining from her face. Her heartbeat was erratic.

Faith could see what was going to happen. Olivia was going to tattle to her mother. Ruth would ensure that George found out the truth. The biggest scandal of the century would erupt across Britain and George would be humiliated.

Worst of all, Lucy would be discovered by the father that Faith had never wanted her to know.

What would happen to Lucy when George killed Faith?

Before Faith could find her voice and beg Olivia to keep her mouth shut, she heard and all too familiar voice.

"Oh, Olivia, for goodness' sake. If you took your nose out of that hideous political nonsense for one moment and actually looked where you were going –" Ruth Pendleton stopped just as soon as she noticed who Olivia had knocked into.

Ruth Pendleton had not changed one bit since Faith had last seen her. She was just as severe and as proper as ever. Her face had always been very thin and angular, which made her disapproving expressions all the more unsettling. Unlike Olivia's loose waves, Ruth's red hair was fixed just so. Intricate curls were visible below her lacy, expensive bonnet. She, too, wore a fine white overcoat, protecting her royal blue gown from the weather.

Ruth's blue eyes widened as she gasped. "Anne?"

"Ruth," said Faith, finally finding her voice.

Ruth shook her head. "I do not understand. How is this possible?"

A figure past Ruth and Olivia caught Faith's attention. It was Cassian. He was standing with Lucy, nonchalantly outside the apothecary. She said a silent prayer in thanks for his quick thinking. Cassian had removed Lucy from any danger of being associated with Faith. It was exactly what Faith would have done.

"You are supposed to be dead," Ruth said slowly, though her eyes were still wide with shock.

Knowing that Lucy was away from danger made Faith relax a little. "I am dead," replied Faith.

Ruth scoffed. "Do not insult my intelligence. You are standing here before me. Flesh and blood. I can see it!"

"Ruth, you must stay quiet," pleaded Faith. "As far as anyone is concerned, I am dead. I died in that carriage accident and that is how it must stay." Faith looked down at Olivia, who had since righted herself and collected her book. Faith squinted as she read the title: Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen. It was written in French. "And you, too, Olivia."

Ruth's eyes flared. "You will not involve my daughter in this sickening affair. Where is he then?" she demanded to know. Her head immediately turned around, surveying the immediate area.

Faith's heart stopped as Ruth looked directly at Cassian, but she did not seem to take any notice of him. Faith was thankful that Cassian was entertaining Lucy, and so Lucy was not looking after her mother. "Where is who?" Faith lied coolly.

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