3: Hot Ash <3

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^^ Shelby ^^

"Do you forgive me yet?" Ash asked me, as he approached the counter.

It had been four days since the incident at the nightclub and the MC had come into the café every day. And every time, Ash had come up to me at the counter and asked the same question before ordering. To be honest, it was becoming exceedingly hard to say no. He had bought me a sunflower yesterday when he came in. It was a baby plant, in a small pot and he had said, "I thought it would look nice in your lounge. Plus, it reminds me of you; bright, cheerful and beautiful." I had almost caved then, and it didn't help that Shelby was in the kitchen, fanning herself as she watched.

"You're not going to give up until I do, are you?" I sighed, trying hard not to grin at him.

He shook his head and winked at me, making me sigh again.

"Fine. You're forgiven, but only so I can get some peace and quiet!"

His eyes widened and he grinned at me before dashing behind the counter and grabbing me. He picked me up and spun me around before I could tell him he wasn't allowed behind there. "Thank you!" He said, putting me down and kissing my cheek. "You won't regret it!"

I laughed and shook my head. "I better not! Now get out. You can't be back here,"

He laughed and walked back to the other side of the counter, joining Jay and Banjo who were now propping themselves up against it. "What are you doing tonight?" He asked me, grabbing a muffin from the display case.

I frowned at him. "Oh please, help yourself," I snarked. "Tonight, I am going out with Shelby. And you lot," I paused, pointing at the three men. "You lot are all staying well clear. I'm going to dance and get drunk, and I won't need rescuing. Got it?"

They all looked at each other and Ash held a finger up while he swallowed his mouthful of muffin. "Fair enough. I just have one favour to ask."

"What?" I asked, dreading his answer.

"I'm going to give you my number," I went to argue, but he put his hand over my mouth, stopping me. "I am going to give you my number. Then if you do get in any trouble, or someone's irritating you, or you need a ride home, you can call. I solemnly swear I will stay away unless you call." He put his hand over his heart as he said the last bit.

I didn't really know how to answer that, but of course, my answer was, "The only person irritating me is you." He frowned at me and I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Fine, I'll take your number." I groaned and handed him my phone. I couldn't help but laugh when he handed it back and I saw he'd put his name in as 'Hot Ash <3', then I realised that he'd called his phone from mine so he now had my number too. "That wasn't part of the deal!' I complained.

He grinned at me again. "How am I going to know it's you calling if I don't have your number?" He asked, and I really couldn't argue with that. 


I was starting to think that me stumbling into the café after a night out was becoming a regular occurrence. Shelby was with me this time and I had persuaded her to come back to mine and carry the night on, after stopping for chocolate of course. The only reason I had stumbled was that Shelby had stopped in the doorway and I hadn't noticed until I bumped into her, which led to loud giggles from both of us as we struggled to stay on our feet.

"Why did you stop?" I asked her, whining and giggling at the same time – a feat that I'm pretty sure is only possible when drunk.

"Look!" She said, nodding her head towards the Bulldogs' usual table.

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