42. Webbing Deep

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Happy Forever Sunday!

Dedicating to a lovely reader vitaqwe . Thanks a lot for your encouraging support friend.

God Bless!!


She is clear as water, Vivid as sky, tangled as mess, addictive as drug, sensitive as flower, deep as ocean and divine as blessing.

All in one?

Yes, she is a Woman.

— Saman Fatima


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Healing Wound]

Sir Gerard's POV


The past have a strong command on present, the shadows of past somehow determining the presence of present. Here this vault is an alive example of this. The past is so strong; it won't let the present to shine without lurking around with deep roots...

The thought crossed my mind as my steps ascended to the Mirror Hall, through the passage.

Each time I step here, the haunting past lurking in my heart making my drain myself in the worry of my Majesty.

Last time, I was alone, reliving in grief was easy but now, with Raymond, the right to showcase my pain is snatched away from me.

"The exquisite beauty hasn't affected with the storm of time." Raymond's firm voice dragged me out from my thoughts. I turned my gaze to meet his musing figure staring at the wall. His gaze marveling the painting hanging on the gleaming golden walls of the wide passage.

"Not even a bit." He mused deep in thoughts.

I took a moment to consider his words, there was no doubt; the beauty of this place was untouched with the change of time.

Years passed, left the marks of scars but this place made sure to brighten the pain of past!

I needed to breathe to answer as I wandered my gaze around, "No it hasn't. But that's what this Vault was all about. To keep the change of time away from causing any harm to what's kept inside."

"What you exactly mean to say is buried inside." He corrected me and I could only afford to pass him a displeased look which made no effect on Raymond as he continued to stare over the golden frame, marveling the beauty resides in those glass shields.

"It isn't buried Raymond." I pointed out.

"Hidden from the beginning of change." He tasted the words before continuing,

"I find it pretty hard to accept the fact that Majesty actually decided to keep the treasure of Ancient rather than throwing it away in a deep pit of spell. Why keep the reminisce of past close that burns your eyes when all you can do is change It." he questioned taking a step further.

His gaze lost interest in the frame the next instance as he delivered his speech.

I felt our surging powers are crashing with the walls nearby. I let the atmosphere ruled in silence before breaking the ice.

"It's pretty hard to understand him Raymond. He never gives explanations to his actions. Not to anyone. Besides, you want the fortress to be abandoned where the Royal treasure is guarded from such a long period?" I rather threw a question at him.

Someone's ForeverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz