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Chapter 1

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Year 352

My fingers glide across the screen with ease; this may be the final test standing between me and Tier 3 clearance, but I've analyzed data like this a thousand times. This test has a few more variables than I'm used to, but it's not a challenge. I'm given ten variables and an ideal statistic for each variable; I then have to determine the ranking of the 132 subjects based on the totals of these ten variables. Simple.

Assuming I pass this test, and I have no reason to believe I won't, I'll have completed Advanced Training for Tier 3 clearance. This training is offered to Justices and Intellects who have completed their four year internships and want higher-level work in the Civilization. After ten years of education and a four year internship, few people wish to endure four more years of exceptionally rigorous training; even fewer actually qualify and have the ability to complete it. I was accepted, and I don't plan to stop until I've reached Tier 4. After I ace this test, I only need one more year of Advanced Training to reach the highest tier of clearance available: Tier 4. But more than that, earning Tier 3 clearance will give me access to the Curator.

The thought only fuels my speed; I finish calculating the variables and move on to sorting the subjects. I don't even notice the door to the test room open until Mizpah's flinty voice cracks through my focus.

"Renna, I need you to come with me."

My fingers continue to move data around on the screen and I don't even pause to spare my Advanced Training instructor a glance. "I'm in the middle of my last test. It can wait."

Her heavily ringed hand slams down on the screen in front of me and shatters it, destroying all of my progress. I recoil in shock, sliding back in my chair and glaring up at her.

"What the blitz, Mizpah?" I swear as I leap to my feet. "I was almost done!"

Mizpah stares at me without any expression, her eyes as dark and limitless as ever. She is perfectly calm despite the warm rose-colored blood dripping from her hand where a shard of glass embedded itself. I look behind her to see four Enforcer Justices, their hands on the guns in their holsters. My stomach flips. This can't be good. No matter how long I've been in the Civilization, Enforcers always send fear shattering down my spine.

"You need to come with me now, Renna. I'm not going to repeat myself."

I start to protest but then catch my breath. How can I defend myself if I don't even know why I'm in trouble? It must be serious since they interrupted my testing and brought Enforcers. I try to think through everything I've said or done in the past few weeks, but I can't think of anything that deserves this sort of punishment besides a few snarky comments directed at Mizpah. I'm not a physical threat and Mizpah could easily handle me herself, so the Enforcers can only be here to intimidate me into submission.

"Fine," I grumble and step towards her. "I want to know what the shell's going on."

"The Enforcers will escort you to another floor," she says, motioning them forward.

When one of the Enforcers grabs my arm, I try to twist free, but they have my wrists in metal bands behind my back before I can escape. One of them unlatches my Intellect collar, the translucent rubber band with the clearance chip that rests around my neck. When the Enforcer's fingers touch the nape of my neck, a shiver descends my backbone. This definitely isn't good. My breathing grows frantic. My collar represents my identity and value to the Civilization, and without it, I'm worthless. They can do whatever they want to me.

The Enforcers shove me out of the testing room into the hallway, and I twist my head in every direction, trying to find a friendly face or at least someone to explain what's happening. I don't see Jayse anywhere, but Orrick waits outside to take his Tier 3 tests after me. His icy blue eyes catch on mine, and he takes in the situation with cool calculation. Not a single muscle on his face flickers until he nods at me in quiet assurance—he'll try to help me. But what the shell can he do? What can I do?

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