Chapter 15 -Edited Once

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Hunter (Ariel's second oldest brother)

It had been almost five days since my bluer, Ariel, was kidnapped, and we had no idea where she was or if she was safe. That thought alone made me sick. I wanted to know if my baby sister was alright and not dead! Whoever took her from us will pay for sure.

As I kept putting up thoughts and ideas on where she might be, I got furious at our failed attempts at finding her. Due to my stress and anger, I slammed my fist real hard on the gym's locker, making a loud sound and attracting a lot of unwanted attention.

I was at school, teaching PE in the gym after I was away for five days, yet I could care less about this stupid lesson. My baby princess was much more important to me than this, but Davin and dad said we should get back to work and let the police do their job. Their absurd, worthless job.

"Sir, are you okay?" One of my students asked me, clearly worried about my state. I was a mess. I sighed but nodded to reassure him I was okay and not ready to kill those kidnappers. I had purple circles around my eyes... I couldn't sleep at all.

"Yeah, just tired. Thanks for asking," I replied with a tight smile.

Where are you, Ariel?

A student came to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "What should we play, sir?" She asked with a seductive smile.

Ugh, can't they just disappear for the day? And this girl is so clingy, I can't stand it. She has been trying so hard to catch my attention for a long time now, but she's a student and not my type.

"Dodgeball," I replied with a blank expression to let her know her limits and removed her hand. Then I sat on the bench and watched them play.

After ten minutes of staring at them, playing with too much enthusiasm that I couldn't match while thinking about my baby sister, I got a message from an unknown number.

I hesitantly opened it, and it said what got me so terrified and confused and alerted. I read it repeatedly in my mind, and it was still the exact words.

"You know, your sister always had those beautiful bright blue eyes that make you want to take her right away and steal her innocence... Well, Hunter O'Connor, I would like to inform you that little Ariel has grown to be such a wonderful lady since I last saw her, and don't bother looking for me because you will not find me, and this number is untraceable... So don't try and waste your energy. Bye for now -Your dark nightmare."

That made my blood boil to the point of screaming at the top of my lungs, I was in a raged state, but I retreated from doing so because I was still with my noisy students. I immediately stood up and began walking to the door when I remembered that I could not just leave like an immature teacher.

"Students... Class dismissed," I announced, then walked to the principal's office without giving them a second glance.

As I reached the office, I knocked on the door and entered without waiting for him to invite me in. "What can I do for you, Hunter?" He asked, surprised at my sudden action. I never acted like that in front of him, but it was an emergency.

The principal was a close friend of the family. He was nice and knew about Ariel and the kidnapping case. Dad told him just because he wanted to be prepared for anything. "Sir, something new happened. Can I go, please?" I asked, looking serious as ever. I was never serious with him. He was family. It was just the situation was so challenging to handle.

He looked at me while studying my face. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally nodded. "Yes, you can, and please, if you find Ariel, and I pray for that to happen, please tell me. She's like the daughter I've never had," he countered with a genuinely worried expression.

"Don't worry, I will," I replied with a light smile, then ran to my car. I opened the door, sat in the driver's seat, and called my brother, Davin. After waiting for three rings, he picked up.

"Yes, Hunter?" He asked in a weary tone. No one was able to sleep at night except Adrian, of course.

"Davin, meet me, you and dad, at Stevens office. I will send you a message. Make sure to read it," then I sent it to them, put the phone down, and drove to the office.

Who could that be? And he knew her before but from where?

Think Hunter. Think.

She didn't have any crazy possessive ex-boyfriends, that's for sure, and she is kind to everyone.

I know that no one came near her -boys, I mean- because she was always under our protection, and her best friend made sure to steer the boys away from her.

I hit the steering wheel with my palms and let the tears fall down my face. I do not ever cry unless it's for my dear family, and Ariel was the heartbeat of this family.

"Ariel. where are you?" I cried aloud, not caring about anything, until I reached the police station. I parked the car, wiped my tears, and got out of it.

I locked the car and stood there waiting for my family. "Hunter," I heard dad call, so I turned and saw him walking with Davin with fear and worry in their eyes. "Don't you know anything about him?" Davin asked me as we walked to the office. I whipped my tears and shook my head.

"No idea, and he knew Ariel. He had known her ever since she was young. That was something to be alerted from," I stated, then knocked on Stevens's door.

"Come in," we heard Stevens say, and we entered without hesitation.

"Hello, sir," dad said, then shook his hand, and we sat on the chairs, facing him.

"Anything new?" I asked him before we showed him the message. Maybe he already got it or traced it down on my cell phone.

He shook his head. "Unfortunately, no, but why are you here? I told you I would call if anything new happens," he exclaimed.

"Wel, we have something new, a message," I pointed out, then handed him my phone. He read it carefully, then he sighed.

" Okay, gentlemen, I will try and find who sent it, but that's not going to be easy, so have patience, and I'm gonna need your phone," he clarified, then opened his files. I nodded.

"Okay, sir, thank you," dad replied, and we got up from the chairs. "We will wait like he said, but for now, go back to your work, you two. I will go and tell your mom about the message. She has the right to know. Ariel is her baby too," dad said with sorrow reflecting his blue eyes. We nodded.

I don't wanna go back to school. But I have to.

We walked to our cars and then drove back to our workplace.

Please be safe... Ariel.


Hello there

When is your birthday?

Mine 27th of June =)

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