two | repundium

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rejection, repundiation

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       There wasn't a doubt in anyone's mind when it came to the house placement of Althea Potter. Her family knew where she would be sorted from the moment she begged to be put into a Muggle school at only seven years old. Her parents were extremely off-put by her desire, but after a lot of convincing and reasoning that went beyond that of a seven year old, she was permitted to attend her local Muggle primary school. She had a talent and a love for learning, and it was no surprise that the second the Sorting Hat touched her head at eleven years old, it called out, "Ravenclaw!"

       No one knew this was bound to happen more than her brother.

       "Thea, here, should already be wearing Ravenclaw blue," a twelve year old James Potter said confidently in a crowded train compartment, mid-morning of September first, 1972. Althea sat awkwardly beside her brother, not exactly comfortable with the fact that she was stuck in a compartment with all of his friends. She awkwardly fiddled with her necklace, opening and closing the locket at the end of its gold chain.

       "Not going to be in Gryffindor like her dear older brother?" smirked a boy that sat directly across from James. Althea knew who he was, of course - the famous Sirius Black, the first of the entire Blood Purist Black family to not be sorted into Slytherin. And there, beside him was the youngest of the Black clan, someone who everyone was anxious to see sorted.

       "Nah, she's too much of a coward to be in Gryffindor," James said playfully, side-eyeing his sister to see her reaction which was given as if on cue. The older Potter grinned and threw an arm around Althea's shoulders, squeezing her as he said, "You know I'm kidding, Thea! You're just too smart to be in Gryffindor. I mean," he turned to his friends, "she reads textbooks for fun."

       "Only the spell-work ones," Althea responded defensively.

       "Doesn't exactly help your case," James laughed.

       "Well, it's good to know Hogwarts is getting a scholar this year," intervened a scarred boy that James had introduced as Remus. The lanky boy rested his elbows on his knees and grinned over at Althea, as if he knew that her brother's words were getting to her. He looked back at James, and smirked. "We all know it didn't get one last year."

       "Remus, how could you insult Evans like that?" James responded lightheartedly, launching himself and his three friends into a topic that didn't interest Althea in the slightest. She looked down to the book in her lap - a Muggle book her best friend had gotten her before she had left for Hogwarts - but found as much interest in it as she did in her brother's conversation. Sighing, she readjusted and aimlessly looked around the train compartment.

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