Chapter 15

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Updated because: This is my most sexiest book, about love, and romance, on such a romantic and cute holiday like Valentines. So I thought why tf not? Xx

~~ Enjoy today, love today, and every other day. It's beautiful, it's human and most importantly it's healthy, and makes everyone healthy!

Spoil yourself, and those who you love, for today is a day like any other day, to do so!


"Went!" I scream irritated and he rolls over the same. "Answer the phone, I want to sleep." I mumble exhausted and he stands yawning. "What!" Wentworth yells into the phone and little did we both know our lives would change for the worst.

"Y/N, wake up." Wentworth pulls my covers off my naked body and I sit up pissed off. "Here." He passes me some clothes, his entire mood off. "What is it?" I ask him as I pull the shirt over my body and he shakes his head.

"I'm coming back okay, I'll be thirty minutes, shower and get changed quickly." Wentworth kisses my head and I walk up to him. "What's happened Wentworth, I'm scared." I speak honestly but Went only hugs me tighter. "Nothing sweetheart, just, make sure you don't leave this room at all costs." He instructs and with that Went leaves the room.

Wentworth's POV

"That's him." I speak shakily, tears threatening to spill. "Fuck man!" I shout watching the body laid on the hospital table, lifeless. "Are you sure Mr Miller?" The police officer asks and I nod, not wanting to cry in front of these people.

"Fuck, fuck man, he's a got a daughter you know!" I shout feeling sick and the cop looks to me sympathetically. "Is there any funeral arrangements you'd like to make? After we've examined Mr Y/L/N's body for evidence?" The cop asks and I shake my head.

"I'll uh, I don't know, his kid doesn't even know yet. She's gunna wanna do all of this." I sigh running a hand over my face, watching in complete disbelief as the coroner pulls a cover over his body. "Alright, thank you sir, we'll show you out." The doctor leads the way out and I sigh, how the hell am I supposed to tell Y/N?


"Hey." Y/N smiles when I return back to the hotel, she looks concerned but nonetheless happy. I smile at her whispering a weak reply back to her greeting and she doesn't push me for any further information. Knowing me all of her life, she knows it's best not to.

"Lets go." I force a smile onto my face and Y/N happily slips away.

The entire ride to the airport Y/N tried to converse but I was too lost in my own train of thoughts to bother. Eventually she stopped and decided to turn the music on. The plane ride was pretty much the same and then the journey to our hotel.

"I'm getting sick of this now!" Y/N barges into the room and I finally look her in the eyes after not being able to all day. "What the hell is going on? Have I done something wrong?" She asks more gently and I look to her sorrowfully.

"Y/N, there's no way of sugar coating this." I speak and Y/N's eyebrows knit together confused. "What?" She smiles nervously and I huff out loud before taking her hand in mine. "You're scaring me Went, again." She looks me up and down and my own tears threaten to spill. I've lost too much this year and now my best friend.

"They found a body this morning..." I say and Y/N nods, her eyes welling up. "Ya." She croaks out, hoping for the best. "I went to identify it, the body was Y/D/N's, it was your dad's." Y/N gasps, her hand covering her mouth and she cries pulling her legs up to her chest.

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