Chapter Fifty: The Death of Superman

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Downtown Metropolis was the site of a mass evacuation after Cyborg and Reaper contacted the Metropolis PD's Special Crimes Unit with the former's projections of the Doomsday creature's warpath

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Downtown Metropolis was the site of a mass evacuation after Cyborg and Reaper contacted the Metropolis PD's Special Crimes Unit with the former's projections of the Doomsday creature's warpath. Captain Maggie Sawyer, head of the SCU and friend of Superman, immediately called for the evacuation of the supposed ground zero. Silvia knew that it would do no good though. One jump sent Doomsday miles in any given direction; an evacuation would only lure him towards more life.

Silvia knocked firmly on the door of an evac bus, having assisted its passengers in boarding. The driver sent her a grateful nod before pulling away and sending the last load of people on their way.

Reaper tapped on her earpiece. "Uh...this sector's clear. How're you doing?"

"Finishing up. I just hope JLE got my emergency signal."

Silvia was pessimistic about Justice League Europe being able to arrive in time. They're already on assignment the middle of some other fight. With Doomsday, every second counted. The Titans were away at the moment in some alternate dimension or something. "I don't think they're gonna make it..."

"One hell of a time for everyone to get busy." Cyborg grunted.

That left only the Metropolis based heroes to stand between the behemoth and innocent lives. Supergirl was keeping watch in the skies for Doomsday's arrival and Guardian was helping with the evac process. Apart from that, there weren't many others capable of doing anything worth while.

Steel was out of the fight; his armour was breached and had his chest gouged, breaking most of his ribs. Booster Gold's own 25th century powered suit was on the fritz, so he out of commission too. Fire suffered several broken bones from the bug's wreckage collapsing on top of her. Booster apparently used the last of his suit's juice to fly himself, Steel, Fire and Blue Beetle to a nearby hospital where they'd have to recover. Guy Gardner managed to keep on going for a while, but even he couldn't take any more.

The last Silvia heard, Ice used her powers to tend to Manhunter's injuries, whilst Superman tried his best to slow the beast.

Clark was the only one left. Silvia wanted to tell him how much she missed him. She wanted him to hold her again...but for the first time, she was beginning to feel that he might not make it. As those thoughts raced through her mind, she shut them down. He was Superman, nothing could stop him. Nothing ever has. And nothing ever will, she told herself.

"...Something's coming." Supergirl's soft voice called.

Silvia mounted her motorcycle and pressed her earpiece into her ear, trying to drown out the sound of sirens around her. "Is it Clark?" Silvia asked.

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