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Farren turned to face Jesse as the two made their way off of the football field after practice. It was Thursday evening and the team was heading in for showers before travelling home.

"Jesus that was tough." Jesse complained, referring to the gruelling training session that Coach Carter put them through that evening.

Farren nodded in agreement. "The heat didn't do anything to help." He replied, pushing his damp hair back from his forehead where the sweat had made it cling.

Jesse let out a small chuckle of agreement. "Hey, we should hang out this weekend. I mean, just the two of us. I feel like we haven't hung out without Luke and Kaden in ages." Said Jesse.

Farren agreed. "Yeah you're right. Clay Dalton is having that party Friday, so why don't we hit the mall or something Saturday?"

Jesse hummed in agreement. "Sounds good to me. I need to buy more socks anyway, Luke keeps stealing mine." He huffed.

Farren snorted in reply. "Heartbreaking, Jess. What a real tough life you do live." He said sarcastically, earning him a glare from the other boy.

"Whatever bro. You'd get annoyed too." Jesse replied, and Farren just shrugged in response.

"Anyway," Jesse continued, "there's something I've been meaning to ask you." He said, clearing his throat.

Farren looked up at him curiously. "Ask away."

"I need a favour," Jesse said with a hopeful smile.

"I'm not shaving your back for you again, if that's what your going to say." Farren cut him off before he could continue.

"That's not what I was going to ask." Jesse replied with a laugh.

"Go on then." Farren said curiously.

"I was wondering, if maybe you could help me out with Rachel. You know, put in a good word for me or something." Jesse said, blushing in embarrassment.

Farren laughed at his friend's embarrassment. "Sure man, not that I need to anyway. I'm pretty sure she's into you too." He said truthfully.

"Really?" Asked Jesse excitedly, a quick smile spreading across his cheeks.

By this time they had made their way to the carpark. Both of them had decided to just skip the showers, which were full, and to just shower at home.

"Yeah." Farren replied with a laugh of his own.

"Oh man." Jesse said, practically grinning at this stage as he rubbed his hands together in excitement.

Farren watched on in amusement. "Bro your so whipped." He chuckled.

"Do you blame me? I mean, it's Rachel." He sighed, staring into a space with a dreamy smile on his face.

"Puppy." Farren snorted in reply, though he was happy for his friend.

Jesse just laughed, sending him a quick goodbye before making his way in to his car. Farren too sat into his, turning on the cd before pulling out of the school and heading home.

He was in a surprisingly good mood, as he bopped his head in time with the Imagine Dragons song playing through the speaker of the car.

He pulled up to his house, turning into the driveway and turning off the music. He sat in his car for a few more minutes, scrolling through his phone and replying to his text messages. Eventually he made his way inside the front door, making sure to lock the car behind him.

Playing The Straight Game [boyxboy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon