Chapter 2

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Leo looked around the garage. Jacob stood next to Bella as they watched the girl poke around the tools. She turned around to face them. 

"Nice shed, Black." He ignored her comment.

"Are you sure you're Leo?"

"Of course I'm Leo. It's been ten years since you've seen me Black, people change."

"You're like 5' 9" and you're bigger than Bella is. Aren't you supposed to be the little sister?"

"I spent my life training, you better believe I'm bigger and stronger."

Leo suddenly turned her head to the door where two men approached, seemingly oblivious to her.

"Yo Jakey is your girlfriend here again?"

"Shut up Quil, I already told you she's not my girlfriend. "

Pretending not to notice either, Leo fiddled with a small screw she has found and kept her gaze down at her hands.

Embry and Quil's jaws dropped at the sight of the taller female. She could tell they were staring at her, and she rolled her eyes to herself.

"Leona?" Embry asked cautiously. 

"Hey Em" She replied. "Long time no see." A look of sadness crossed her face at the appearance of the taller boy.

"OOh NoW lOok WhO has a girlfriend."

"Shut it Black" Leo growled.

"You gonna make me?"

"Yeah, come here so I can stick this hammer up your-"

Bella interupted the two before they fistfought in the middle of the garage. Not wanting to Jacob to embarrass himself losing to a girl.

"We should go home now Leo, Charlie will want to see you."

"Bye guys!" Bella said, hugging Jacob. The boys watched as the two girls left together. 

"Leo?" Embry asked confused. 

"Yeah she goes by Leo. Bella always called her that."

He still looked confused. 

"What you act like you hardly remember her."

She had always been his childhood crush, but he had never kept in contact with her. As much as he liked her as a boy, he never called her. He certainly didn't expect her to be standing in Jacob's garage looking hot as fuck that's for sure.

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