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When Hera woke from her sleep the next morning, her mood were grim. It were grim because Robb had left to go to the Creg last night, and she hadn't been allowed to go with him. She missed him already, which was the biggest reason for her somber mood.

She was currently sitting on the edge of the bed, putting on her boots. The flap to her tent suddenly opened, and a guard briskly walked inside, his face panicked. Upon noticing the look on his face, Hera sat up straighter, her whole attention now on him. "What is it?" She asked.

The guard looked to be out of breath, like he had been running to get to her tent. "The Kingslayer," he exclaimed in between breaths. "He killed Ser Alton and a guard and escaped!"

Hera immideatly stood up, her whole form shaking in anger. "He what?" she exclaimed in anger. That damn kingslayer, she thought. The guard looked like he wanted to say something else, but Hera was already shoving past him to get outside. The golden sun blinded her for a couple of seconds, but the more she blinked, the more bearable it became. She strode through the camp, towards the pen that had belonged to the Kingslayer.

Upon arriving by the pen, some of the soldiers were carrying the dead body of Ser Alton Lannister out from the pen. His face was covered in blood, a wound evident on his head. How could he murder his own cousin for his own freedom? Hera clenched her fists so hard that her knuckles turned white. With a yell, she kicked the pen, ignoring the pain that shot through her foot. How could they have been so stupid to let him escape right underneath their noses? Robb would never forgive her for losing him.

She spotted Lady Catelyn standing a bit further away from them, with her personal swornsword, Brienne of Tarth, by her side. Hera's eyes connected with Catelyn's, and they both stared at each other. It was a look of despise, not towards each other, but towards the Kingslayer. Eventually, Hera let out an agitated sigh, before she turned on her heel and walked away.

She knew that the Stark men were already out looking for the Kingslayer. It just made her feel useless, because she could not go with them. Had it not been for her arm, she would have rode off on her horse as soon as she heard the news.


Hera was anxious for the rest of the day. She kept pacing around, constantly checking if someone had returned with the Kingslayer. She was close to ripping her own hair out in frustration, when she heard a big commotion entering the camp. She instantly ran to the scene, and what she saw both relieved and shocked her.

Jaime Lannister was shackled to a horse by his wrists, and were being pulled through the camp. His hair were messy and covered in dirt, just like the rest of him was. Around him, angry men screamed and spat at him. They cursed his name and shoved, pulled and punched him in anger. But even at his lowest, he still held his head high, not seeming bothered by the treatment he was getting. Hera's nostrils flared, and she wanted nothing more than to give him a piece of her mind.

He was brutally pushed to the ground onto his knees by one of the men who were taunting him. Hera was suddenly pushed to the side, causing her to stumble. With wide eyes, she stared at Lord Karstark who were shaking in fury as he briskly walked towards the Kingslayer. "I want his head!" He spat, his sword held out, ready to be used.

The men surrounding Jaime instantly drew their swords, aiming them at Lord Karstark. None of them liked the Kingslayer, but they all knew that he was more valuable to them alive. They also knew that they would feel the wrath of the crown if he were killed by Stark men.

"Any man who stands in the way of a father and his vengeance, asks for death!" Lord Karstark exclaimed, the men behind him agreeing to his statement.

"Lord Karstark!" Lady Catelyn suddenly appeared, her face showing distress. She shoved her way through the men while seeming out of breath. She must have ran here, Hera thought. Behind her came Brienne, and she was not so subtly glaring at the older man. "This man is our prisoner!" She exclaimed.

"This monster killed my son!" Lord Karstark replied.

"And crippled mine!" Lady Catelyn exclaimed in response. "He will answer for his crimes, I promise you! But not here!"

Lord Karstark wasn't having it. "I will have his head, and if you try to stop me..."

"You will strike me down?" Catelyn exlaimed incredulously. She narrowed her eyes at the man. "Have you forgotten me, Ser? I am the widow of your liege Lord Eddard Stark, I am the mother of your King!" She spat at him in such fury, her whole body were shaking.

"And where is our King now?"

"You know very well he has gone to the Creg to accept the surrender!"

Brienne drew her sword from her place behind Lady Catelyn. "Threatning my lady is an act of treason!"

Lord Karstark looked like he could hardly believe what he was hearing. "Treason? How can it be treason to kill Lannisters?"

"I understand your grief, my lord, better than most, I understand it!" Lady Catelyn spoke. "But in the name of my son, the King in the North, stand down!"

"When your son returns, I will demand this murderers head," Lord Karstark spoke through gritted teeth.

"Wise men do not make demands of Kings," Catelyn voiced, her eyes wide.

"Fathers who loved their sons do, I will have his head."

Hera felt the need to step into the conversation, for she could no longer hold her tongue. "May I ask you a question Lord Karstark?" she asked rethorically, which caused the Lord to look at her in anger. "What happens after you've killed him? You should be wise enough to know that he is more valuable to us alive, and that if you kill him, the crown will officially go to war against us. And you can bet your lands that the Stark girls will be killed as vengeance for his murder," She paused to look at the man, who was staring at her in shock. "Is that really what you wish for, my Lord?" She ended the question with a mocking tone, causing his eyes to harden. "If not, I suggest for you to back the hell off."

Lord Karstark seethed with anger, but he seemed to understand that he would get nowhere with his treaths, for he backed away. He turned on his heels and stalked away from the crowd. Hera stared daggers into his retreating form. And for some reason, she had a terrible feeling that he would do something bad.

She prayed that he wouldn't.

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